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Yup. They always fly by. Even more so now I'm getting some games in. Hopefully finish painting all the Collodi stuff at the weekend then maybe start avatar Pandora. Or I might take it easy and paint the small things. Woes, daydreams, something like that.

---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

Got anything on the go at the moment?

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Glad you liked the new scene Steam! It was fun to write, especially Albert and Iris. Marcus took a bit to figure out how to write him as his own personality, especially with so many..."characters" around the table. Now I just need to figure out if I go ahead and tell the story, or skip it as only being mentioned for now. It is relevant information later, which is why I brought it in...

Anyway. Glad to hear you're almost over the cold! How's work going this week?

---------- Post added at 04:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 AM ----------

What'd you go with for colors for Collodi? Bright or dark?

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Congrats on post 31000 Edonil.

And I am awaiting some bases at the moment..hoping they turn up soon as I am planning on building the new Malifaux figures at the end of the month and finishing off my White Scars marines too...

Then it will be a case of finding time to paint the damn things..maybe feel commissions coming on lol..

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Bright. For the minions I'm pretty much just grabbing random bright paints from the box. I haven't decided on the master's colour yet.

Works ok this week. Not too hectic.

---------- Post added at 09:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ----------

Morning Abs. Good luck on the painting.

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Paint Collodi like a color blind Harlequin. Oh, that reminds me...what's that line...

Ah! Here it is:

There are three kinds of dress clothing. The kind that offends the wearer, the kind that offends the viewers, and the kind that offends everybody. I'm going for the third type. Fair is fair.- Hobbie Klivian

---------- Post added at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 AM ----------

So, Steam, think I could get away with some plot exposition in the form of a story? Or should I keep staying away from 'telling' for now.

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