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Aye, which model is causing you trouble?

I think I've finally solved the problem I was having with Lucius' pants.

*falls into gutter again* we ally should put a cover over this thing, I might not spend so much time in it then...

Edited by Mako
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Ahh, flames. Such a gorgeous thing when they go well, and such a pain to get them to go well! I'm looking forward to Shang appearing in the local store, I ordered the thunder box just for him, looking forward to doing something entirely flame based. Should be a good challenge!

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Well, he has a boot and the bottom bit of a knee now. And the point where the breeches meet the boot was the killer point, getting the folds looking right was really tricky. Going to get a bit more done tonight, and put photos up tomorrow. Hopefully can get the knee and lower thigh sorted tonight. He still has one thin peg leg though, only one has had work done!

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It has been a real beast to get right, I've redone areas a couple of times just to get the basic shape right, then filed them to near shape. Then I need to finish them with really fine sandpaper and files, possibly a thin layer of slip, and then detail them...

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Oh, not bad. Slept too little over the weekend. All thrown off, but surviving. Working on the announcement of the Quill winners. Some great stories this time around. Had some specific advice about that line that bugged you- have you thought of doing things like that as dialogue? So instead of saying he decided to do something, have him shrug and say 'what the hell' and jump into things. Gives a little more of a natural feel to it, I think. Only bit of advice I can toss up tonight, got another paper to do for theology.

How's you?

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That's a great idea, he could so easily have just announced his decision to himself and dropped in, and it would have been a quick and sleek thing to have him say to himself that this time he'd bother asking! Which would have got the same emphasis without the wierd clunky sentence in it. Cheers!

Ah, too little sleep, the bane of our lives. And a paper on top of that can't be fun.

I'm worn out but my head feels like a bowl of broken glass so I can't sleep. Other than that, rolling on, got more gremlins done and I think I managed to get expressions on their faces so that was pretty good. Any day now I should get a notice about my shipping with luck, so can paint again soonish.

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