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Haven't for a little while. But will get back to some this weekend maybe. Have spent the last week rearranging my desk and then tearing it down to replace it, but now I have that sorted I can go back to sitting on my ass mucking about with it during downtime at work. There's always plenty of that kicking around in between things...

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Yeah, probably not. But then I don't really think I enjoy the job I have, and at least I'd get paid more!

No better reason than bureaucracy, and people determined to have their own hoops for you to jump through. It's maddening. Four people from our lab need laser training but they won't do it for us before the next course date of mid October.

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Ew, that's not cool. Gotta love bureaucracy. (rolls eyes) Hopefully you can get something accomplished in the meantime, though. You being everyone. How complicated is the laser? Can't you get something done with it anyway? Or is it one of those where you need three years of programming experience to get it to turn on.

So, finally had Elle show up for a bit...working on writing a scene and finding myself having a difficult time writing in a new character. She just seems to be coming across as almost working too hard at being likeable. I dunno. New characters are always weird to write, that's for sure.

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I just received my Gencon order! YAY! sans Misaki who I know is coming.

The only downer was I didnt get Miss Terious either :sadface: My wife is not going to like me tonight unpacking all my new toys.

I like working where I am 2IC and while we have procedures, safe work practices, training etc we have none of the bureaucracy that goes with it, we try to run a tight and effcient ship.

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Ah, the lasers easy, I used to use a very similar machine all the time back in Leeds. Safe too, you really have to try to get it wrong. But that doesn't stop them demanding seven hours of this course before they let us back near it...

There's one last thing we can try and do before then, but it's not a months work, so that sucks a bit.

Evening monkey, how's tricks?

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I wear many hats Ed :) designer, production manager, programming, scheduling, coordinating, ordering ... the list can go on.

The company I work for are sheet metal and steel fabricators we have a lot of CNC controlled equipment that moves a lot of the setup work into the office and means we need fewer highly skilled people on the shop floor while we can generally employ anyone off the street with a heartbeat to do some of the work and carry out in house on the job training.

The fun thing for me is as a backup I have been fully trained when or prior to equipment being installed by the manufacturers in their full use and operation plus more involved troubleshooting as well, so if the workshop have a problem I generally fix it too before I start contacting engineers (have been up to my elbows in grease carrying out a fix one piece ofequipment a couple of years back).

Now we are looking at how best to grow so hence I am teaching myself a new 3d modelling package as what I am currently using while useful is going to involve too many ports and patches to be of much use in the future (plus it doesnt run on windows 7 so I have had to create a virtual PC running XP when I want to do some things)

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I have dabbled in it before about 18 months ago but got too busy to impliment it and played around with inventor when I was at uni. At the moment I tend to use autocad, sketchup for quick visualisations and a piece of software called autopol.

Of ocurse when I was at uni we also used 3D studio and had to make photo realistic renders that took the computers in the lab back then 3+ hours to render the scene, I have more processing power in my phone now than what I was using back then

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Morning other living soul. Was pretty barren around here. Word of advice Abs. Start training Lilly to use glue as you'll need her tiny fingers to assemble the Ten Thunders archers. How the hell are you meant to assemble those hats. Moving 4 parts in different directions when the whole thing is smaller than the tip of my finger.

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