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Choices, choices. The violent one by any chance? Or is Elle being peaceable at the moment? lol

Here's what I've done in my work downtime to test out my graphics power as well as to see how hard this digital sculpting lark is.


The answer is remarkably easy to get the basic blobby shape, but insanely hard to get clean sharp details! Fun though, and just about recognizable for what it is supposed to be...

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oh damn, maybe not recognisable then! Its the front end of the train from the first malifaux book, but i haven't had the time or skill to put in the pistons and things behind it.

Anyone who says digital sculpting is easier than putty, or doesnt need artistic skill, should give it a try sometime. its bleedin hard work!

Oh, and just to get my smut levels back up, tonight i have worked on Lucius' buttocks, and when those were suitable, i located his nipples. Sculpting really is a corrupting influence...

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Ah no worries, I know what its like when reality gets in the way of fun!

Hopefully soon I can stop being rude, I swear it's not my fault that all the reference points for sculpting humans are dubious! But even I'll struggle to make sculpting his boots sound filthy.

I think I might try to finish up the next Breach Runners chapter by next week, all this writing that you're doing is making me feel like a slacker!

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Bah, you people with your time zones and reaching the weekend first. Remind me to laugh when its sunday here!

Digital is quite nice, I wouldn't give up putty for it but I've spent the last hour relaxing, messing about with the software and listening to music. Best part is, its not bad software and its free. Not top of the line stuff, but certainly capable of the basics and a few other bits.

and now I've seen the time, I might stop...

---------- Post added at 06:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 AM ----------

What you been up to then Monkey?

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Last minute finish on the army? Good to see traditions being kept up, you should never have time to spare when finishing a paintjob!

I've carried on sculpting in putty, then tried to relax. Spent a while wondering why the stoners next door are unable to remember the three conversations we've had about their thumping bass, then realised how stupid a question that was - they're stoners, they cant remember anything!

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