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I trust the Cider Monolith. I built it after all. Don't mind the eerie green glow- it doesn't do anything to the cider at all...

On another note, assembling the new minis has largely been easy-peasy (or a doddle, depending...hee hee, "doddle"). I worry about the rail worker with the separate leg though- the join on that leg is tiny.

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Yeah, I just got my Rail Crew today, and I had the same thought...still, glad to have the chance to mess around with the new stuff. Somewhat sad to not see Misaki, but that's alright, I'll be able to mess around on the color scheme with the Archers. Trying to figure out a second color to go with the shiny purple fabric, and whether I should make the second color shiny or matte...

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Oo, so painted stuff soon? I took a few macro shots of the dark debts sprues this afternoon, will put them up on a thread once I process them.

How is everyone tonight?

Painted? Let's not get too hasty...although I do intend to at least assemble and prime them for using on Saturday. I've got the Rail Crew, Archers and Old Lady Yamaziko. Have to say, quite impressed with the sculpts. Been reading through the stories, loving them so very much. Hoping to see Misaki before the 15th (fingers crossed) but I doubt it, so I'm going to see if I can figure out Mei. Have to say, Wyrd successfully gave me reason to pick up stuff from every faction...loving the Ten Thunders as a whole! Hey, Mako, any suggestions on a contrast color to go with shiny purple? And should I be doing matte or glossy for the color?

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Well, for a shiny saturated purple, I'd go for a matt yellow, if it's a really intense purple then use a more desaturated yellow, otherwise go full on canary! Think rough silk, so wider softer highlights etc.

Heh, Mei on Saturday eh? I might get Jakob and co prepped this month (waaaagh, I want paints!!!!!!). And I put up a huge analysis of the sprues here http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?35258-Another-Dark-Debts-assessment-with-photos&p=451402, would be interesting to see if your thought on Mei and co match...

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Shipping cost.

Anyway, I have to say, I'm surprised at how many of the factions I normally don't like I'm interested in now...Lucas MacCabe and a Guardsman list sounds like a lot of fun...now to figure out the most efficient way to get that together.

Also surprised at how little Jakob is interested in anything from any other Master, in terms of list building. The Brilliance crew is pretty self contained, although I think Stitched are a must from theme perspective!

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Aye true, although depleted can give out burning counters it seems!

Also, I have a 40mm and a 50mm base extra lol. But there is a blast marker I'll need, so that sorts the 50! And might make burning counters like my 25mm brilliance token, since they don't go on the gaming table itself.

---------- Post added at 04:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 AM ----------

I really want Yan Lo, and Misaki, and Mei. Lucas I don't know enough about yet, the mounted thing doesn't fuss me too much but the other bits sound good. So I may end up with the complete thunders,,,

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Misaki is on the way. Yan Lo...I dunno. I'm probably going to pick him up in spite of my lack of luck with figuring Ressers out. I know that Izami looks awesome and I want to paint him, although I'm not a fan of Yin or Toshiro (aesthetics. Rules, they're awesome.). Lucas is a definite because he entertains me in the fluff. As far as Jakob...still iffy.

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Not bad. Had a justifiable reason to not work on a project I didn't want to do, so that's always nice. Just finished up critiquing two essays from classmates for theology survey (by the by, got a 95 on the essay! woot!) and finding I have such a hard time not playing Devil's Advocate with circular reasoning...

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