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Yeah, was surprised myself. Probably one the quickest long scenes I've written. Then again, Elle's been none too subtlety bouncing around the back of my head in anticipation of the scene since last Friday... Quite proud of how it turned out too. I think it's one of my best 'show don't tell' character development bits. Especially glad that I managed to make Arias really step away from his original roots in Honor Harrington, but he still comes across as believable.

Now I just need to determine if I want to continue my 'scene change means nation change' pattern, or use it only when necessary...

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It is good to see that as long as this thread continues, Weird Sketch is immortalized...

I guessed that he and Wyrd parted ways a while back, but that's about it.

We have dropped into the 80s for highs. I am gearing up for Dragon Con and a weekend full of gaming. I hope some Malifaux players show up!

I wish I had known that before, y'know, now. I would've bought you a drink.

Was debating Leveticus, lucius or jack daw. Maybe one of the others, but I think one of those three is most likely. Only, big. Something different to the endless fiddly scale stuff, as a counter to the 6mm

Two words if you're going 1/6 scale- action figure. Of course, you may have to sew, but it'd be pretty damn sweet.

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Sewing's easy enough, but I would be a little creeped out sculpting a naked lucius to put clothes on! Plus, its ahrd to get fabric to hang right on scale stuff. He'll be more like a statuette I think. Something for the sculptor and painter in me to really sink their teeth into.

But who knows, maybe in the future...

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Wow, 1200 words in an hour, I'll be finished before tea at this rate! If I can figure out how to crowbar everything that's left into 300 words...

Actually, the rain has stopped, it's wood shopping time as a treat for Sophie paying attention to the Quill for long enough to write it!

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Pretty good day all told Ed, I've got wood!

Ahem. Of course, I mean dowels for the armature of Lucius. I treated Sophie for writing my entire iron quill entry by the time I finished eating. Only thing annoying me is that I have a massive craving for chocolate of some sort, may have to go walk to supermarket. In 94% humidity according to my weather checking thing...

How's your day been so far?

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Woo, shipping! I bought a big pile of chocolate, and have just sat back down and read Eric's blog... That made me laugh, then feel ashamed of the species.

Now, deciding what to do with the remains of the evening. Sculpt is pretty much a given, but what project?

Mmm, BLT. Although if you could replace the T with more B, that would be ideal. And change the L to Brie lol

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But I've got wood for Lucius!

Why do I get the impression that sentence will come back to haunt me at some point?

Well, if it's gremlins, then it's the marshals, Rex won't get done til after them. Three of something is harder to focus on and make match up, so I wanted to save the uniques for the end as a reward of sorts. That said, I am nearly done on one gremlin, and the others would benefit from some time under the tools. So maybe I should get that under way again.

What's your plan, work soon?

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

Yah, I read the first part of the second too. The ending was fairly abrupt, but it suited it well. You'd been building up to everyone having to bail fast due to the storm, so the way it went wasnt unexpectedly quick.

And I like the start of the second, this personal little war sounds like it couldbefairly entertaining to ride along on!

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Glad that you liked it. Hoping that I can keep going and keep that interesting without flash boiling it too soon. Just need to figure out how I want to organize this chapter, if I want to jump back and forth on perspectives or not.

Yeah, work is unfortunately in another hour. (sigh) Getting sick of things at the shop, sadly. Oh well.

Sounds like gremlins are the thing to do! How far along are the others?

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Ah, sick of work. I know the feeling well. I'm thinking that research is too much of a pain, and after this post I'll find a stable job that I can settle down somewhere for.

Jumping back and forth is something I find quite tricky to set up, so I can't offer you much advice there!

Just smoothing the hat on this first one (who I'll call George, for lack of a better idea). The running one (now called Zippy) is still just legs, he needs his torso and coat tails doing next. And the third (Bungle), is three bits of wire stuck together. He needs a touch more work on him yet...

---------- Post added at 01:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

Just realised that without growing up with British TV, that fairly epic naming convention may have passed you by! Good old Rainbow, warper of many young minds.

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It's a cruel existence really, endless stress and misery punctuated by brief moments of delirious high. I have no equipment, no money, no job security, and no idea what the hell will happen at the end of each year.

I've spent so long trying to do something with nothing, it's comical. Academic research isn't 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration, it's 90% frenziedly trying to get money to have a job next year, 9% trying to cobble something together out of the crap you have in the cupboards, and 1% frenzied stressed thinking!

So maybe an industry research post would be nicer. I'd trade off the freedom to work odd hours and to study wide ranging things for more money, consistent hours, and a job that didn't end every time you blinked...

---------- Post added at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 AM ----------

And this week, Bungle shall get some love, I promise!

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Aye, at the moment I'd sell my soul to the hungering darkness for some basic lab equipment, never mind anything complicated or big! Lol

Or for a funky card dealing skeleton to follow me around. That would also be fun.

---------- Post added at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 AM ----------

It seems like we have to visit Texas if we want to see SPG, by the way...

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