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Spent my whole freaking holiday weekend sleeping in a stupid pattern I couldn't break... -_- Quite annoyed about it, because I didn't get anything accomplished. Slept through the Battletech game I was going to do, slept through church, slept through SCA...bah. I guess I needed to catch up on sleep, but that was annoyingly excessive. Working on my homework that's due tonight.

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Not quite ... do not really have an answer for Royalist Cavalry .....

How was the tournament Shaper?

I had a great but tiring time...

I started on the bottom table for the first day and ended up playing Mr Pink (Rathnard) on the top table at the 4th game... but as I lost I was knocked down to 10th... Second day I went better but only moved to 9th heh...

But with that being said I had fun with Zoraida and Collodi and probably won't take the twins again since they were taken out too easily!

Tiny's put the results up here http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?35096-Australian-Malifaux-Grand-Tournament-Results-and-Photos

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Well, when these new minis show up fromWyrd I hope to build them and get a few people together to get some games going, to familiarise myself with the rules...

Then in the new year, if everything has gone to plan, I may think about getting the cards..though Henchman probably comes with a lot of work and time...

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It can be a lot of work. Ultimately, it's one event a month, event being a loose term. I've started doing Malifaux 'Open Days' because my players are so scattered, where I try to get people together at least one day a month for a guaranteed game. Demos are events, though. A lot of it depends on who you get involved in the game, and what their attitude is towards it.

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