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It was nice that I didn't have work yesterday even though I did waste a couple of hours dealing with an emergency for it. Still better than a full day of work.

Weather sucks so I guess summer is over. Other than that, not too bad. Finished King Arthur 2 and started up the new Deus Ex. Played some more Bloodbowl, my go-to fun simple computer game. Still reading the same books but they're all good ones.

How about you?

---------- Post added at 09:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------

Morning Abs.

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Well, Tuesday is almost over. Got in an hour of overtime so far, planning on getting some more tomorrow. Trying to get in some extra pay so that when (if? whatever) I think about getting some armor for SCA, I don't have to set aside as much money.

Morning Abs, how are you? Sorry for sticking your name on the list already, figured you wanted in... :Hiding_Puppet:

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Ah yes, "painting". We have dismissed that claim.

I had a day off painting yesterday. But I guess I'd better make a start on avatar Colette. Got the fire gamin done on Sunday.

Well got have the 10 thunder brothers I wanted to get finished finally done and now it's some alts and starting to get my Ramos crew done before my Gencon order arrives.

I'm going to get Fell to paint my Colette crew

Oh hell, it's 5am and I'm still awake. Morning all, how are we today?

Hey it's nearly 7pm here so have a drink! *offers the bottle of wine over*

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Oh, Shaper, while you're about, I have a bit of an Aussie question for you. Kangaroos are furry, right? But how furry are they on the face, paws, feet and tail? I'm trying to work out how much texture to put on bits of the marsupials...

And I just checked out my usual casting supplier in the UK. They can send me all the stuff I need, for £65 (not too bad given there's 2kg of resin and 1kg of silicon in that), but postage is £45!! I think I may need to come up with a new plan.

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As a second question...how bad an idea is it to try to learn archery on your own?

If you have enough space where you can practice without endangering anyone then it's not that bad an idea. If there is a local club then go along for a couple of intro sessions. If not, then there must be some videos and articles online. Basically, don't shoot if there is anyone in front of you. Even if they are probably out of range. Within reason of course. If they're a dot on the horizon they're pretty safe.

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

And was my birthday Monday (yesterday now, I suppose!). I generally try to avoid celebrating it much, so I only admit to it afterwards!

Happy birthday.

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Probably best checking with the SCA people as to what is allowed. Whether any old traditional bow is ok or if there are special lower powered ones.

For archery in general I'd suggest starting with the recurve to get the general form down before moving to traditional. It's similar enough with the pull and release but gives you a sight so you've more chance of hitting things in the beginning. Of course if you're wanting to use a longbow in the end then you might as well start with that as you don't really aim that so much as use it like artillery.

Keep in mind that a lot of things on ebay listed as longbows aren't.

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