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Eh. True. I usually play with pirates off because of that. Although, with Rebellion now, and understanding the game's economy, I've been able to have little problem with that. Usually about the first hour in, I'm kicking in the door on the pirates base anyway, lol.

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I'm the opposite, single player only.

I was starting to think I was the only one left! Single player all the way. I reckon the only thing worse than a previously good singleplayer series with a tacked on multiplayer is a previously good singleplayer series with a cooperative mode tacked onto the main campaign (I'm looking at you Resident Evil and Dead Space).

The new Transformers game, that has Grimlock in it, right?

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I was lucky in that regard. One of my mates was obsessed with the Me3 multiplayer so I just joined a few of his games to get the relevant experience. That way I could also ask him mid game "what does this thing do? Where should I go? What's that?". I find a lot of these multiplayer games have a lot of assumed knowledge these days. What happened to the good old days of "grab rocket launcher, find quad damage, gib everything that moves"?

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Morning all, how goes it?

I'm having a peaceful day at work, some easy stuff I know how to do and no one around to get in the way. Also, I have a cookie. Not the healthiest breakfast, but no matter!

Best part is, it all has lotto f gaps where I can't do anything, so I get to sit around and relax most the day...

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I think that was the last time I did any multiplayer. Quake 2 on the office LAN.

Nice. I remember about 13 years ago, my parents went on holiday for 2 weeks leaving me and my brother in the house. Mere hours after they had gone, half a dozen mates had set up their pcs in the kitchen and for a fortnight we did nothing but Quake, AvP and Half Life deathmatches. Dont think we saw daylight for the whole of it. Those were the days. What's the point in multiplayer gaming if you can't gloat right in someone's face?

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About to go home...finally.

Not sure if I am going to play tomorrow or just put stuff together. Feeling kinda blah lately. Now that my back's not giving me problems anymore I think I need to start back at the gym after the con, maybe even force myself to play and work on modeling once each per week.

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See, bits of that look good, and then bits look meh. I don't mean the models exactly, but I can't pin it down. I think I'm bored of orks and goblins, they're just everywhere...

Ref bot is pretty amusing though, and the human team are quite decent.

Oh, and can you pop over to Australia and tell them to redo their kangaroos, they're a nightmare to sculpt the heads of with the way they have them at the moment!

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If you could squash their faces up so thy didn't have such a long muzzle, that would be handy. A good swing with a frying pan should do it I reckon.

Kiwis are bizarre litte buggers, they did seem to get assembled from the spares bin at the end!

Might venture forth tomorrow in search of some stuff to cast my brilliance markers with. Until I can find good kit, I'm not risking casting GJ. And I don't have my paints so there's no rush!

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I'm okay, lol. Got in a few games of 'Clix and lost all of them. The problem with just starting up a game, getting pieces with synergy, lol. And realizing that, just because you've got Batman and Bane, doesn't mean you shouldn't be playing guerrilla war when you can.

Right now, waking up. Went to bed really early, cause I was exhausted, and now I'm up ridiculously early, lol.

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