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Yeah, the guys stupidly talented. I found one of a guy painting a dragon on a sheet of paper, he does it in a few minutes and it's so pretty I felt like crying!

But if I can get the stuff for that, I would try and do it for my sister as a wedding present, should be different to the usual stuff...

---------- Post added at 01:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 AM ----------

Hmm, guy next door has hammering bass going on at the moment, so it looks like I'll be awake a while. Time to break out the scale tool and some snakes! Aargh...

Please tell me your stuff is a bit less repetitive and mind numbing?

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lol, yes, yes it is. Well, the school assignments are. Just finished the quiz, and got 6 questions wrong. (wince) What's annoying is one of them I could have sworn I clicked the right one...oh well. I still passed the quiz, just this class will not be my highest scoring one. Now on to some Biblical interpretation for the second assignment...should be interesting.

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Interpretation is always fun, in many ways it's quite hard to be too badly wrong, right? There's a limit obviously, but still quite a lot of play!

The toss up at the moment is whether I get a whole DzC army, two, or a bunch of bits to make a diorama for next years Salite painting competition. Quite tempted by the diorama, but want one of hearties too. That only really works if I have an opponent though I guess.

Also, whether to sculpt a new tiny rifleman to go with the other one, or bake this one and pressmould parts to cheat. Might not look as good though...

What you interpreting?

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Reading through Matthew 24:43-25:13. The passages are ones that I'm familiar with, and I know the interpretation of them, but the parameters placed around the interpretation by the assignment are a bit whacky. It'll be interesting placing it all together and filling it out to 250 words.

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Grrr...kinda wishing I had had a different assignment of text for this task right now. This is one of those 'this seems really easy, but it feels like a trap because of that...' assignments..

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

Ahh, so it's as much working out what aspect they're looking for as it is figuring out the meaning? Should be entertaining, I never was much good at doing that my exams...

Yeah, I'm not a fan of these kinds of assignments myself, lol. At least it's not poetry, though.

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Poetrys pretty simple when it's a haiku, theres only so much you can do with three lines. Otherthanthat, I avoid it. Taking English literature as a forced class at school really killed it. Once you've analysed a poem every way round for hours, it stops meaning anything!

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I'm pretty good. Nothing's broken tonight, which is always good. Got my assignments done, just two more quizzes and a discussion board and I'm all done with the classes. Also got my first Death Korps model finished, my engineer sergeant. I'm gonna add him to my list of 'I need to take photos,' lol. Went with a dirty color scheme overall, brown uniform, black iron for the metals, and then did grey smears of mud on the torso, knees, elbows and the bottom of the uniform jacket. My bases are grey dirt, hence the grey mud on there. That way, there's a sense of 'they've been at this trench war for a while' to them. Overall, very happy with the results, although I've still got to do a few fine detail bits before he's done. Got the next four assembled and ready to go...except I forgot to bring the primer. *facepalm*

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I really should go and look at this kickstarter thing...but then I shouldnt really be throwing money at things I dont really need and probably dont even want!

Right...still no announcements of what exactly will be avaialable during gencon I see...ah well..at least i have a budget put aside.

If no Guild are forthcoming (hint hint) it will be the Ten thunders stuff and if it doesnt scupper the postage, the book and possibly some beckoners.

That will get me my Miss terious (thank god i decided to keep my Lady J crew) and then start saving for the eventual guild releases!

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Yeah, I'm quite impressed by how well they did. I just wish it hadn't been so close to Gencon, I would have loved to go with a larger amount for more perks, but unfortunately couldn't. And Monkey, how do you not know what a plushie is? o.O It's a stuffed animal, only fluffier.

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