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Wow, those table plans look great, we going to see a building log for that? :)

Clever use of bases on the puppets, should look at doing mine someday ...

I can certainly make an attempt at it! I haven't gotten the materials yet, the foam is larger than the room I have in my car, but once I do and I start getting it organized I'll definitely take some photos. Well, once the working camera of the house gets back on Monday from Massachusetts...

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Oh, not too bad. Work is boring, didn't get enough sleep yesterday, but oh well, I'll survive. I'm sure that your story is fine. :) I'll get around to it later, just didn't have the time over the weekend, although I know the feeling, lol. Always weird to put up something for writing and hear nothing from people.

Watched The Dark Knight Rises yesterday, absolutely loved it, brilliantly executed story. Bane and Catwoman were perfect, which also was a treat. Highly recommend it!

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I wasn't going to say anymore, lol. That's where I was ending it. I had the painting bug and the writing bug this weekend, got some of the former and little of the latter done unfortunately. Sleep pattern was all buggy this weekend, and I'm not sure why. What're you painting now, Monkey?

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lol.... you need sleep shaper! and fast...

And Edonil, yeah its kinda weird when theres no comments, nothing....... you are thinking do all those views just mean they read the first couple of lines and thought 'crap', or did they read the whole thing..... and then still probably thought 'crap'..

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Morning edonil... you're up early/late!!

Well, i just checked the writers forum and I am either doing something ok, in that there is nothing to change..or its so bad people dont want to hurt my feelings lol...39 views..no comments!

so hows things?

It was good, I'm trying think of something more to say before I comment on it

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The weekend wasn't so bad. Tournament for 40k, had some issues that came up that we need to discuss as a club over the setup from that TO...Saw Dark Knight Rises and loved it. Haven't started the board yet, still waiting to get the foam before I can get on that. How about you guys?

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Finished King Arthur Fallen Champions and started downloading the second one. Got the grass cut before the wind and rain returned. Finished another of the Riyria books and the first of the Immortals set by Tamora Pierce. And cleaned out my brewing equipment ready to start another batch.

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