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So in a weird twist of irony....


Last week I ordered an Avatar Kirai from Amazon on Prime Day. It showed up on Friday, and when I opened it, I realized that it had 2 right arms instead of 1 of each. Wrote to Wyrd asking if there was anything they could do, and unfortunately they couldn't. That email came to me on Monday, and I returned the Kirai Avatar the next day.


Just an hour ago, I get another email from Wyrd telling me that they were lucky enough to find a spare left arm for me...


On the plus side, I suppose I could reorder the model again, and have it back by next week. I'm curious as to what the sellers are going think now though. :P

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I enjoyed most of Kingsman, but Mark Millar has no sense of tone and I can't help feeling he has an unhealthy obsession with non-consensual anal sex.


Mark Millar also likes rape jokes. Kick-Ass 2's comic saw Red Mist and his flunkies rape Kick-Ass's girlfriend as revenge. Except it wasn't his girlfriend after all- Kick-Ass had been embellishing their relationship status. So this girl got gang-raped for nothing. Isn't that hilarious? #notfunny


I just Google'd that. And yes. We used to have them in this country, called Automat. I think there is still one, the ONLY one, in Manhattan. Walk up, select food, insert payment, leave with food. 


Edit: Nope, the last one apparently vanished 24 years ago. And no one noticed. Sad.


This one is still open: http://bamnfood.com/


Yeah, I'm going to have to agree to disagree with Crush and Ben on the minimum wage thing. It's not as simple as "these people are lazy" (the plural of "anecdote" is not "data"), and not everyone can be an astronaut rock star. Someone's gotta stock the shelves at Walmart, and they deserve to make enough to support themselves. Taxpayers subsidize the Walton family's wealth because most of the ground-level employees have to get some sort of federal assistance.


In my arrogant opinion, the only things to be argued here are a) whether $15 an hour is too much too fast, and B) whether treating small businesses that are franchises as though they are corporate-owned is reasonable (we're on the same page here- it's not). New York is obscenely expensive cost-of-living wise, so I can see why they eventually want to get it to $15/hr. Here, that will allow you to have your own small apartment in a place where people won't break into your car to steal stuff.


Its terrible, but companies tend to hire young people that will work like dogs at a lower wage for five years before moving onto their next job, while skilled and experienced people that would cost more are not hired.


Yep. Employers will also lie about having to cut costs so they can get rid of everyone making too much money. The lucky ones will be laid off with a severance package, the rest get fired for the dumbest of reasons. Then they'll hire a bunch of fresh college grads so they can pay them less. I have been one of the lucky laid off people in this scenario before. The Dell operations center here used to do this on a regular basis- they'd lay off or fire all but the most exceptional people, show their shareholders that operating costs have gone down, then hire a bunch of people (including many of the ones they laid off) so they can simultaneously claim tax benefits for "creating jobs" while keeping their benefits costs minimal. Even better, only those obscenely valuable people get hired on permanently- the rest are contractors, so letting them go is even cheaper.

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Even in the fluff she's the least interesting amongst the 3. She's like Judge Dredd, but with boobs and a blindfold.


lol, her personality just seems very droll.  Not in many ways dynamic.  She thinks like an Ultramarine, except she thinks she's the Emperor.


I disagree. While Lucius and Sonnia are the most interesting Guild masters fluff-wise, they are also the ones with the most screentime. Justice hasn't had the time to explore her object fixations with her sword and blindfold, her distaste for everything unnatural, her dry humour (she insults Sonnia in Book 1 and seems to share a friendship), and her strange relationship with the Judge. I think she has a lot of potential.

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I disagree. While Lucius and Sonnia are the most interesting Guild masters fluff-wise, they are also the ones with the most screentime. Justice hasn't had the time to explore her object fixations with her sword and blindfold, her distaste for everything unnatural, her dry humour (she insults Sonnia in Book 1 and seems to share a friendship), and her strange relationship with the Judge. I think she has a lot of potential.

I hope so. Granted, I haven't read all of the fluff yet (I have about 50 pages left in Twisted Fates), and it isn't to say that she's "boring". Just in my mind at the moment, she's been the least interesting.


The wording of the wage increase puts small cafes at risk, and in Manhattan, they are literally almost on every corner - the definition of "fast food" in New York is now "pay before receiving food." Imagine if thousands of small, independent businesses had to close just because of a wording issue that says the corner coffee shop has the same status as a Starbucks franchise, and are now responsible to pay out twice as much in payroll or be in violation of labor laws. Also, it is ONLY fast food establishments in New York State - no other industry is included in the pay raise, so everyone else is still frozen at the federal minimum wage, earning half as much.

Back when the news of California raising it's minimum wage to $15 over the course of the next few years came to light, a few friends and I had a discussion about these specific effects as well. One of my friends involved in this discussion owns his own LGS in MA, and from the perspective of the small private business owner, his comments echoed CJ's to the "T".  It's from this perspective that I sympathize with, because it literally does cripple most, if not close to all, of the small business/restaurant owners in NYC, making it very hard to do the same business they've been doing prior.  I would even go so far as to say places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts would be greatly affected, and those are two of the most thriving food chains in the city.

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... go on


Best possible answer :D


The wording of the wage increase puts small cafes at risk, and in Manhattan, they are literally almost on every corner - the definition of "fast food" in New York is now "pay before receiving food." Imagine if thousands of small, independent businesses had to close just because of a wording issue that says the corner coffee shop has the same status as a Starbucks franchise, and are now responsible to pay out twice as much in payroll or be in violation of labor laws. Also, it is ONLY fast food establishments in New York State - no other industry is included in the pay raise, so everyone else is still frozen at the federal minimum wage, earning half as much. 


It is essentially a strongarm move to make changes at the wrong level without any proof it will fix anything. The money isn't in the hands of the poor it is in the hands of the rich. Making the rich have to pay out more will solve the problem. :D


Do I believe a person who works a full week should reap the benefits of a decent life? Yes. 


...damn it. I had it in my head that this was an overall increase, not just for one sector. Probably because Seattle and California have done them across-the-board.


They need to change this or else it isn't going to work as planned. A small business owner should not be expected to raise their pay rates in the same amount of time as a corporate-owned Starbucks, and that should include franchisees that own one or two units.

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The tl;dr version of my opinion: the wage hike feels like corporate America targeting the independent business owner to remove all opposition, and increase reliance on corporate structured living so we have no choice but obey. 


I still smile when I think about the outcry in America when Princeton concluded that the USA were no democracy but a financial oligarchy per the definition of both. Truth hurts.


(I don't excempt the European states here, I just remember the headline about  USA.)

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I agree completely with that. What's worse is we rely on the government that is paid to keep us down to "save us" from corporations, when they are the ones paying the government to do it in the first place. And with "police paranoia" on the rise, you can be sure there won't be any violence against the government either.


Not going to lie, first time I became worried about it was when a friend showed me a link to the US Army recruitment website. Six years ago, before all the domestic trouble began, "Internment Camp Guard" was a specialization you could request information for. That's not ominous and foreboding at all, right?


Nah, you have nothing to worry about. That's only for brown-skinned folks with Middle Eastern names. That's sarcasm, by the way- the way we conduct the "War on Terror" is deplorable.


Besides, the largest corporations will officially dissolve the government long before it can create a police state. That's what makes me laugh to avoid crying forever- the end result will be the same; we're just arguing about the sequence.

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lol, I don't think I've watched any kind of news broadcast since college.  Only thing I'm ever interested in is the weather, and even then, I've got an app for that.


True, they are all pretty awful, except BBC News (sometimes) and al-Jazeera America, oddly enough. The latter is covering stuff no one else even mentions. All that aside, I usually just go straight to Reuters or AP since everyone cribs from them anyway.

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One thing I am surprised that is not mentioned is this- why is minimum wage fixed at the federal level? It is fair to expect New York or LA's minimum wage to be higher than, say, anyplace in Wyoming. It is not fair to punish someone born and raised in NYC because someone in the sticks of Idaho can get by on a lower amount per hour.


Uh, miniatures, barbecue, yay weekend, and so on...

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Also reminds me of Engine Heart, a game that was created on 4chan based on the premise of "humanity is gone, but our machines still exist and operate" 


Like Wall-E or The Brave Little Toaster. Without their masters, what do they do to adapt and survive. 


That sounds quite entertaining.

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