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Right now trying to figure out how to allocate my hobby budget for the next couple months. Talking to a friend about doing some intensely scenario driven gaming for different things, including 40k, and figuring out which ones I'd want to invest in. If it's 40k, means I need to add to my Raging Heroes KS, if not, looking at what other games there are that I'm interested in. Really just getting sick of tournament play, I think. For everything, lol.


Also about to start in on Chapter 2 of the superhero thing. Just debating if I want to try writing Mercy or Crow.

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Doing stuff like Cities of Death, Planetstrike for 40k. For Malifaux, using the Story Encounters and such. Not sure about the others, honestly. Haven't played enough Dropzone Commander to do anything specific like scenarios. Dystopian Wars it'd be doing things like capture the base or something like that.

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Honestly, it's not even power gaming that's screwing up the escalation league. When my friend and I wrote the rules for it, the biggest thing we wanted was to be inclusive. Sure there was a prize, but the point was to get an army from nothing to fully painted in five months. There was a little bit of competitive stuff, true, but mostly it was hobby. And now, in the latest ruleset that my friend and I aren't contributing to, even the hobby sides of it have been pushed to be competitive. Not enough to have a simple conversion in a squad, the whole squad has to be converted to get converting points. Basing is scored. Painting is now judged, not just a 'Yay, you got the painting done!' The timetable for each month's painting is shorter. It's just kinda messed up. :/

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