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Oh, not too much. Elle's got me on another crazy project, although I'm taking the time to plan it out first. Online serial prose piece with superheroes. Cause I'm on a comic kick for the first time in my life...


Otherwise, things are okay. Nice and quiet night at work. How are you?

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Not really. Read through the rest of Watchmen, was quite impressed by the comic. Think I'll pass on the movie though. Did a little brainstorming for the project I mentioned earlier, I've got two of the characters to a point that I can do some one shot things to get their personality. Still trying to figure out the other ones. Trying to break the stereotypical hero team creates the problem that I still have to write them, lol. Also asked a girl out for coffee and have been trying to steadfastly ignore the voices in my head that are panicked over it. So far, Elle has been helpful being in brainstorm mode.

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No, but those are awesome, lol. Although I think I have seen that one with Frozen... and that's a superpower I need to avoid for my few actual 'supers'... I like ice magic a little too much. >.>


Anyway, so far this is going well just as a brainstorming piece. I know bow is willing to do some sketches of characters, which I think I'll take her up on. Even managed to (so far) find a name that isn't taken. Mundanes. Used because none of the regular characters are 'super' heroes, just Badass Normals.


Honestly, I'm betting I'd do at least passably if I'd find a girl willing to say 'yes'. That's been the kicker, lol. Especially frustrating with the number of friends near and far who are still amazed I'm single. (shrug)

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Not really. Read through the rest of Watchmen, was quite impressed by the comic. Think I'll pass on the movie though. Did a little brainstorming for the project I mentioned earlier, I've got two of the characters to a point that I can do some one shot things to get their personality. Still trying to figure out the other ones. Trying to break the stereotypical hero team creates the problem that I still have to write them, lol. Also asked a girl out for coffee and have been trying to steadfastly ignore the voices in my head that are panicked over it. So far, Elle has been helpful being in brainstorm mode.


But...but...Malin Ackerman in latex...


Funny story about the outfit- her husband took one look at her in costume and she immediately said "no, we can't take it home once the shoot's over" :lol:


The movie's not bad- it's just not as thorough as the comic (it'd be 4-5 hours if it were).


I'd try to give advice but I was never any good at dating. Managed to skip all that with my girlfriend as we'd been chatting for months at archery. Really lucked out.


Seen these for superhero stuff? http://nebezial.deviantart.com/gallery/47114048


Thanks for linking those- I like the guy's sense of humor and the art's well done, too.


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oh, believe me, I know, lol. But this one is interesting, new, shiny and challenging. Good enough for me to muck about with for now. The oddity of me doing superheroes at 26 when I never had any interest before is not lost on me, I assure you, lol.


Aw, sorry to hear that. Time at home interesting at least?

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Yeah, I'm looking at DC and Dark Horse for my inspiration. I'm curious if I can manage to do superhero stuff in prose and make it interesting, even for people who don't like comics. (shrug) At the least, it has me focusing on elements of writing that I normally don't, so that's handy.

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