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Oh, I do agree with that! People passionate about what they're working on will turn out a higher product, and in the end, that's in the best interest for everyone. I just have to say, I'm sad as a Sisters player a lot lately. It's really feeling like the dev team don't like them, and so they aren't getting as much love as other armies.

Does get into an interesting perspective of design though, about what to do when you're not as passionate but an army or a faction or whatever equivalent really does need an update just to keep up with the rules.

---------- Post added at 07:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------


It's not about passion. It's a job.

Not far off from the school district in that respect. You're not going to like every kid. You just aren't. But you do need to treat them all the same. And, if you put in the effort, odds are you will find something you do like about them.

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Oh, I do agree with that! People passionate about what they're working on will turn out a higher product, and in the end, that's in the best interest for everyone. I just have to say, I'm sad as a Sisters player a lot lately. It's really feeling like the dev team don't like them, and so they aren't getting as much love as other armies.

Does get into an interesting perspective of design though, about what to do when you're not as passionate but an army or a faction or whatever equivalent really does need an update just to keep up with the rules.

---------- Post added at 07:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------


It's not about passion. It's a job.

Not far off from the school district in that respect. You're not going to like every kid. You just aren't. But you do need to treat them all the same. And, if you put in the effort, odds are you will find something you do like about them.

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Yeah, I got to go through that myself recently. Working on a project that I wasn't all that passionate about in the beginning, but working away at it, I loved it in the end. Quite proud and pleased with that one.

Not saying anything about how GW does things. Who knows what they have to deal with. I definitely feel like, sometimes, nobody will be happy no matter what. Must be even harder for them.

Just saying how I do things.

Anyway, good feeling, huh? :)

---------- Post added at 04:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 AM ----------

Justin, who's the irritating kid in the Malifaux class of 2014?



---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 AM ----------

I'm English, we don't have passion. Just an impressively stiff upper lip.

You also have Hugh Laurie.

He's pretty cool.

And...and cool names for food items.

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