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Is that for recording podcasts Shaper?

Yep I've been podcasting on and off since 2007... mainly comic stuff but I've made apperances on some of the Malifaux podcasts and was a few characters on the Breachside Broadcast when it was up for the Summer Campaign.

Now that's a nice setup. Going to do a podcast or something? And is that Nyan Nyan I see up top?

And yes that is Nyan Nyan... I haven't picked up SDE yet but couldn't resist that model!

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yeah,.. as it stands now, the wife says that it looks like she's getting transferred to Folsom until the current job is done (same distance from the house, just in the other direction) So, no harm, no foul,..

BUT,..... the job will likely only last until March or April. Which gives me more time then the initial December announcement. But still, it's only a matter of 4-5 months. And that will go by before you know it.

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A strip-mall? Must save on clothing I suppose......

(falls out of chair laughing) Yeah, I got confused by that for years as a kid... you don't have those out your way? lol, it's just a single building a block or two long with an indoors like you'd find at a mall, but much smaller in scale. Small towns will have them, especially ones that are central to a few other ones, or near a highway.

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