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Yeah, that one really did need another season. Or hell, a prequel to help it make a little more sense! So many questions that just got tossed out the window, lol.

---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 AM ----------

Yeah, I noticed that problem just reading the Tropes page for future diary.

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Most of all this is subject to opinion though. I guess you just have to find the genres that work for you. Horror, action, adventure, (hentai if you're a perv),.. I mean, there's something out there for just about everyone.

I, myself, dislike bubblegum anime, as well as most giant robot animes. I tend to gravitate toward horror, and other animes that are targeted to a more adult audience (at least as compared to pokemon and the like)

And I can't even watch American cartooning anymore,.. it honestly offends my eyes, it's so badly drawn.

---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

In future diary's case I think it has more to do with the usual time travel grab bag than anything specific to anime. you can only pile on so many paradoxes and timey-wimey balls before i go cross eyed trying to keep it all straight.

So,.. no Dr. Who for you then,.. *grin*

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You've got a point about jumbled narratives. Some of the best shows I've seen are built around focused, well paced story telling. Its why I loved Basilisk and Rahzephon. you may have needed a flow chart to understand them at points but they knew what the hell they were about. More 'n just throwing explosions and pretty set pieces on the screen and calling it a day.

Edit: Adventure time for life

Edit2: Lets be honest, Doctor Who has jack all to do with time travel.

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see,.. that's what I mean. Adventure Time is just plain terrible,.. but then, so is sponge bob.

Ed>> Bubblegum is a term for child targeted anime. Again, pokemon and yu-gi-oh would be prime examples of this genre. There are also stylized differences in the picture cells themselves. Bubblegum tends to have a lot less shading details, more primary colors on the characters (to help keep the kids' attention), and the episodes tend to be "stand alone" for the most part. (ie; you could play them in just about any given order and it wouldn't matter much)

Unlike more adult oriented anime. Which tends to be more linear and series oriented. These, you have to watch in order. I mean, lets face it,.. if you skip ahead 2 or 3 seasons of bleach and try to catch a single random episode,.. you're gonna be super lost,..

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wait wait wait. Are you using Bleach as an example of a mature adult oriented series? Oh, I'm gonna want to hear your rationale on that one.

As compared to pokemon??? absolutely,...

---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

Going even more-so in that direction would be things like Cowboy Bebop. Much more adult oriented.

---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------

There is, of course, a range,... and some things overlap more then one

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Bleach ignores the whole spirit/afterlife concept of bleach. I'm not going to hold myself to a higher standard than the series itself. When's the last time someone brought up the whole escorting someone's soul to the afterlife bit? When's the last time someone brought up hell? And no the movies don't count. The whole 'wooooooooh! ghosts!' shtique got buried under an endless tide of training montages, power up sequences, transformation splash pages, and never bloody ending battles.

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Not to shift topics,.. but in the realm of video games,...

If Square doesn't get FF14 running soon, I'm gonna start getting unhappy. I'm usually a patient man,.. but I've had the game since it's release date (Aug 27th). And only managed to get on about 3 times. All the other times, the server is full, or they have everything down for maintenance for hours on end.

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Heh, yeah, much as I liked the first three seasons, once the Soul Society arc proper starts up, it really feels like it changes genres. It is what it is. I happen to like more complex stories myself, which is why my array of shows tends to be fairly small, even within genres I enjoy. I like Gundam Wing and 08th MS Team, but can't stand any of the rest of them, for instance. I think I just hate teenagers as protagonists. :P

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