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Yeah, I know that feeling. I'm expecting this weekend to go like that.

---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

Oh! Need to ask (again...cause I forgot to write it down) what's the recipe for the black goop stuff? It's Tamiya something, then something else. Asking cause I want to do drips of blood coming off the icicle of the Gamin.

---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 PM ----------

I think I need to find a model to use this color scheme on...


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I'm not sure about the multi braid part,.. but I can do some regular braiding easily enough. I used to have long hair actually. All the way down to my butt.

I also had a gigantic Mohawk at one point,.. which was at one point or another, every color of the rainbow. (yes, I'm a bit of an 80's era guy,.. I'm old,... get off'a my lawn!!!)

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As far as the baldness goes. I plan to bald gracefully. I'm just gonna go with it and accept it. There's no way I'm wearing a rug,.. and I'll be damned if I'm gonna try to wrap that "one hair" all up around my head to try to hide my bald spot.

Lets face it. You're not fooling anyone. And you still look bald. Now, you just look bald AND stupid.

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Had to get it cut in order to procure a decent job.

As for the pictures,.. none exist. I actually have an aversion to having my picture taken. You won't even find one of me in any of my school yearbooks. I always refused to allow them to be taken. It actually has something to do with the flash. (especially on older cameras) Something about the color of the light spectrum and the flash combined actually incites a feeling of anger in me. Sometimes, even to the point of possible violence.

I know it's weird, and I don't really have an explanation for it, nor ever sought treatment for it,.. but is merely something that I've noticed in myself and have strived to control and avoid if possible. I don't like the person I become when I'm angry,.. so I search instead for a daily state of zen. (if that makes any sense)

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I hear you about the picture thing... not that it inspires violence, only that it made me incredibly uncomfortable. So yeah, I hated having my picture taken. As such, there is only one bad blurry picture that exists from the time period that I had a stupid gothy phase and a lip ring. And I look like a dork. See? :P Oh, to be 19 again, though.


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