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And it's very much appreciated, let me tell you, Web. You've got some great ideas for scifi, I'm just not sure how well I'd be able to use them in my stories. The idea of a conflicted AI I really like and could see how to use, but the character Common Knowledge needs a story all its own, rather than being a bit player in mine, lol.

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And it's very much appreciated, let me tell you, Web. You've got some great ideas for scifi, I'm just not sure how well I'd be able to use them in my stories. The idea of a conflicted AI I really like and could see how to use, but the character Common Knowledge needs a story all its own, rather than being a bit player in mine, lol.


---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

I want to read more about common knowledge.

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Of course,.. finding out who he is, would be the big "reveal", near the end of the story.

I actually had some of this planned out for my "endless city" story,...

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

Common Knowledge just always sounded like a cool hacker name to me for some reason.

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or,.. a crazy scientist made all these uber-tech parts, and scattered them all over the world. Each one has it's own abilities and functions. And you have to fight against the others to get each new piece,.. concluding in a whole "cyber-armor" type thing. After all,.. in the end,.. there can be only one!!!

Oh wait,... wrong story,.. *grin*

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I like story time. But Sophie is in a new project kind of mood, and I'm not sure I should encourage her.

Plus I suck at reading people's stuff and commenting. Really, really badly. Lol

How's the night for people? I'd go to bed but it's so warm and humid it's almost pointless...

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I'm in bed, just stalling. Gotta get up crazy early tomorrow, muscle failure pt, then work on aircraft all day with people, then hang out with my grandparents all evening. Tomorrow is going to be a mite rough... And I don't want to deal with it.

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 PM ----------

Where's the story thread?

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or,.. a crazy scientist made all these uber-tech parts, and scattered them all over the world. Each one has it's own abilities and functions. And you have to fight against the others to get each new piece,.. concluding in a whole "cyber-armor" type thing. After all,.. in the end,.. there can be only one!!!

Oh wait,... wrong story,.. *grin*

I am quite okay not repeating the plot of Mega Man.

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Heh, ennesby is go to take a fall some point again, I'm getting more convinced of it by the strip.

I have to say, I miss Tagii...I liked her a lot as a character before she went nuts. Keep hoping she comes back to her senses... :/

Not necessarily a problem, Web. A lot of old scifi was like that, and there's still a market for it. I wish I could work on describing setting more, I've never really been good at it. Probably going to need to devote a chunk of time to doing just that so I can practice, lol

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