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I still have a bunch I want to get. After Gencon, I'll have to look into it again. Toss up between character who I don't care about getting the colors to match, or anime character where I do want them to match. Looking forward to seeing that elf! The one with the gold and white outfit, right?

Oof, that's not any fun Chris...

And Mako, I owe you a favor, you helped me figure out (indirectly) what to do with this whole story.

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In a way, that's what I'm doing.

Cause I'm feeling mildly cryptic:

At the end of this part of the story, they get the data they were looking for, but at the cost of Kate has now alerted the government where she is (and by extension, everyone else). So, they are now on the run. And, as a bit of a hidden twist to it, the Paladin AI they've been fighting is now a part of Steel's mind.

---------- Post added at 10:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

And overall, I'm happy with the way that kakashi turned out.

You should be, he turned out awesome. If they do one with the Chidori, I'll have to see how close I can get to pulling off what you managed.

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Nice plot twist. The question is,.. is it helpful,.. or harmful, to the group?

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

It'd be better if it had the equivalent of multiple personalities, (that are unaware of each other). One personality is trying to kill them and turn them into the authorities, and the other is trying to save them from itself,...

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

And I'm telling you,.. the pastels are worth every penny.

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Haven't decided yet. A.I. Is a Crapshoot is a fairly well explored trope, but considering Duchess' partner Gabs...it might be interesting to play them off one another as a later thing.

---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------

Oh, that is a great idea...

And yeah, they really look to be. Think I'd be able to find them at AC Moore or Michael's?

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Heh, bits of stuff you said earlier that bounced around in my head during grocery shopping. Take the compliment for what it is, lol

---------- Post added at 11:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

well,.. you see,.. his story needed more cobbles,.. so, yes,.. you helped,..

That too.

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be even cooler if the "good" personality ends up being the infamous hacker,.. "Common Knowledge". And the emails and stuff are how it's chosen to help the party without revealing itself to it's evil twin.

the "evil" personality, is completely unaware of the good one,.. has maybe even issued orders for the apprehension and destruction of Common Knowledge. And it becomes increasingly more and more ****ed off because it can't find him, or figure out how he's over-riding the evil one's protocols and/or lockouts and such,..

---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------

ok,.. that was a bit much perhaps. But it's ideas,.. feel free to take 'em or leave "em.

Just my two cents,..

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Oooh! I like those ideas!

---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

Mako, I'm sure there's help out there for your cobble making addiction. Cobble makers anonymous probably.

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

Of course, the first step to solving the problem is admitting you have one.

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be even cooler if the "good" personality ends up being the infamous hacker,.. "Common Knowledge". And the emails and stuff are how it's chosen to help the party without revealing itself to it's evil twin.

the "evil" personality, is completely unaware of the good one,.. has maybe even issued orders for the apprehension and destruction of Common Knowledge. And it becomes increasingly more and more ****ed off because it can't find him, or figure out how he's over-riding the evil one's protocols and/or lockouts and such,..

---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------

ok,.. that was a bit much perhaps. But it's ideas,.. feel free to take 'em or leave "em.

Just my two cents,..

Frankly, I'm more interested in seeing what you do with them, cause that sounds like an awesome story, just not sure I'm the person to be writing it!

The dream sequence talk. One person complained about Kate having an out of character moment of anger, and I realized that, while it was in character, I hadn't done any lead up to it. Since it's all based on past events, I wasn't sure how to do it without writing it...but a small dream that leads to her talking about it would work.

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