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Listen to Chris, she knows what she's talking about. And if you think highly of my stuff, you should know that she's seen my stuff since the beginning of this whole 'I could get published' thing, and where I started was much worse than where you're at. Now would be a great time to get feedback from other writers.

---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------

Oh, not those things again!

---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

Everyone all good for Saturday?

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I'm in for this weekend. Was going to go to a concert but no one will go with me and I hate doing that kind of thing by myself.

Mako it's never too early for feedback. And honest critique on the Internet is damn hard to find! It's like people become suddenly suddenly shy now that they have more or less total anonymity online, afraid they'll hurt someone's feelings or something I dunno. Anyway, if there's a place you can show off your writing, get some honest to goodness constructive criticism, grab it with both hands and hang on.

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You'd be surprised. It's like looking over the really high end painter blogs- Studio Giralez (sp?) and Dave Taylor for instance. Or lurking the WAMP forums. By seeing what other people have done, asking a few questions, I get a lot of ideas, even if I don't get answers.

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seriously though,.. I'm just sorta making this stuff up as I go. Especially with the airbrush. It's all brand new to me. I'm just applying the paint in a way that makes sense I my head. Though I must admit, the eyes came out really nice.

But then again, I've probably watched more anime then just about anyone on the planet. So I've stared at anime style eyes for endless hours. Their shape and such is burned into my brain at this point. *lol*

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

And I'm telling you,.. those little pastel color bricks are amazing!!! The powder is finally letting me get those smooth gradients I could never seem to achieve with a brush and paint. Worth every penny of the $5 for the set.

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See, that's the biggest thing I'm stealing is airbrush tricks. The first thing I'm getting post-Gencon is either going to be a compressor or a bow, depending on if Elle is up for painting. Since that's the case, any tricks I can get now are handy.

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