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With Kirai he'll be a tank...Lost Love, turn him into a Spirit, heal him up, you have a 10 Wound, Object 2 Spirit that is taking half damage and subtracting 2 from almost every attack.

Someone had pointed out that any non-magical damage less than 9 meant that Izamu would take 1 damage as a spirit. 9 divided in half = 4.5 rounded down to 4 minus 2 from Object and minus 2 from Armor = min 1 damage...

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I thought spirit damage halved rounding up? So it would be 8 damage, as 9 would halve to 5.

Still, he's a monster, and a great model. He's got to join my little pile sooner or later!

Huh, no one has ever corrected me on my rounding...

But still, 9 and 10 damage would still get you all the way down to 1 damage.

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Where is Izamu getting armor? You'd have to bring along Grave Spirit, he has Object 2, not Armor 2...and the only way Izamu is getting the Grave Spirit and becoming a Spirit permanently is a brawl with Kirai.

---------- Post added at 10:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

>_< I can't find the thread, it was in the ressers forum...

I'm gonna shut up before I continue to make a fool of myself :(

People are probably taking Yan Lo with the Grave Spirit. He can make Undead within 6" into Spirits for a turn, and the Grave Spirit gives him Armor 2. I know why they're doing it, but I think if you're running Yan Lo you'd be better served by the Soul Porter... Empower Ancestor is great, and the Kill Ancestor, pass Relic is awesome for Yan Lo's Scheme.

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No, it's fine. Sorry for jumping on you about it, mate. So, what faction do you play, then? Arcanists?

You guys didn't jump on me, the thread moved faster than I was checking lol and so the questions stacked up with each refresh... And I mainly play Neverborn, mostly Pandora, Lynch, and Dreamer... but I have Nicodem, Molly, and McMourning boxes, Bette Noir, an Extra Flesh Construct, 6 canine remains, grave spirit, and I think one or two other pieces. I accumulated quite the ressers collection over the past month.

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Us accidentally jumping on Alf about Izamu and Ressers interactions... >.>

Beyond that, got my league kicked off, I've got three players so far, one of them who I didn't even know played. That brings me almost to my estimated number of players....not sure if that's good or bad, lol.

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Neverborn, eh? Fun! I've never messed around with them at all. And you should definitely look into Yan Lo, if nothing else his box has some great stuff to work with Nicodem. Grave Spirit+Izamu+Bolster Undead would be scary...

Yeah, I need some mindless zombies, but I have empty bases for that (seeing as how I got 8 of them in a single game, would have been 10 but I summoned a Flesh Construct before that). I almost picked up Izamu, but my Kirai player wanted him, so I let him get it :)

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