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I have to say I'm impressed at what people can do in an hour!

Good news about getting the cars getting fixed Ed, hopefully you won't have to have another repair done for a while now!

Was a friends birthday, so I got an all expenses paid drinking and eating session at a fpfairly pricey steakhouse. Pretty awesome night but I've been fairly useless today! Must finish the harpy wings tonight if I can....

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Thanks for that, hope my mate is happy with it..... better start getting some other models incase we decide to do this again ..... *grin*

Running a Demo today at club.....

Ah, very nice! Hope it goes well.

And I'd love to see another round of this, it's been fun just watching it!

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We are getting some particularly good models given the hour time limit.....

---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------

Rough time Alf?

*holds thumb up from his position on the floor*

Great time, just tired. Got to the game store about 10:10 this morning, set up three tables (we have a small community), and got everything going and at like 4:15 I handed out the prizes, cleaned up, and left for home about 5:10, got home at 6:30 (stopped for gas and lamination sleeves), and I'm just tired :). I was running an achievement league, and the guy who got Most Wins also got Most Achievement Points, and took the Most Wins prize (a lesser prize), leaving second place in achievements with the chance at a starter box (since he borrowed my models today, he was estatic).

Time to watch tv and play some video games :)

Note: I want to know when I got more than 71 points of ressers (those are all the points that I assembled)

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Awesome! Sounds like a great time!

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

Well, working on redoing the base for the Wastrel...been a long time since I did basing from scratch, and I'm not even very good at it...anyone got any tips/tutorials on basing?

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The best part was that I got to play :) The final round had two players with undefeated records, one of the guys was getting tired, and had to play Flames of War later that night, so he conceded to one of the guys, and I stepped in as "ringer" so that he could still play a game, but had to make sure that it wouldn't affect the standings if he would have lost. So I took a goofy list, that proved to do decent, but still got crushed in VPs.

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I've come to the sort of... "point" in my Pandora games that Pandora can handle most things given enough time, moderate cards (even as low as a six), and a good cache of soulstones. The pieces added into her list simply become gravy to the roast that is Pandora.

I'm liking the fact I can take a lure tool without having to pay the Lelu tax of 7ss. Though the twins are hard to pass up in a game lol :)

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Heh. I don't use the Neverborn, but I still would love to pick up the twins to paint sometime. Perhaps once I pick up Jakob I might expand his non-Ten Thunders options.

Haven't gotten a lot of chance to play against Pandora, myself, although I'd like to.

Not sure who you usually run, but Pandora is generally a pain to face because you have to get in to a Wp -> Wp duel to target her or else the action fails, if you're within a foot to do that, you take a wound, and Pandora pushes 4 inches in w/e direction she wants. She has plenty of Wp duels to pass around, and if she doesn't move, she can get (assuming single target and success) 3 Wp duels plus her 0 action for Pacify or Incite, which lets her use it over and over as long as she wins and there is a target without Pacify or Incite on them.

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Oh, I know she's a pain in the butt...it's why I'm interested in trying it. *grin* I've been quite fond of Misaki and the Ten Thunders, although I think using McCabe with some Riflemen could be a lot of fun...

Well, got the Wastrel based...do not have high hopes on the basing to stay on. I think I'm missing part of how to base using PVA.... >.>

---------- Post added at 08:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ----------

So, easier to just bash the other player over the head with something rather than try to fight her? Heh

Well, that's a given! How's sculpting going?

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Not too bad now I can focus properly! Though I still hate doing wings. Such a pain to get them into the right shaping!

---------- Post added at 02:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------

Also been pondering a name for my gambler gunfighter (gunbler?). And so far come up totally blank lol

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