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you want maddnes????

been planning a trip to londen from belgium with a few friends

!!!!!!!SHEER MADDNES!!!!!!!

everything is either to expensive or not the right time

it's giving me an headache

Welcome to pricing in London! It is sheer lunacy the prices they charge just because its the Capital....

I can't afford to visit London and I live in the same Country!

You would be best trying to find a place just outside and then commute in. Or is it just the attractions that are too expensive?

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i dont mind the prices, others do, and others make stupid assumtions and start booking whie others re still makign up their mind

Yeah, it can be a bit of a pain when people start doing that...

Wrapping up the night actually. I work 23:00-7:30.

Oh, so off to bed soon then! I don't think I could handle night shifts....I like the sun too much!

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if only we didnt need to sleep

no more unemploment, since every store would need 3 shifts of people

i would get stuff done

enjoy the night

streets would be safer at night

i mean any drawback to not having to sleep

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i mean any drawback to not having to sleep


Yeah, I haven't minded it too much. I go to bed as soon as I get home (or thereabouts) so I'm up for the afternoon sunlight. The downside to that is I'm almost always doing 15-16 hour days. Except Friday. My record on a Friday is 31 hours. That was the day where I realized what it felt like to be drunk. Ever since then, I have been confused as to why anyone chooses to reach that state...

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(shudders) I can't stand coffee...don't really drink anything with caffeine that much either, for that matter. Gave up soda about 8 months ago...surprising how well that works.

By soda, do you mean fizzy drinks like coke etc? If so, they are rammed with caffeine usually, so I can se how cutting back would help! I only rarely drink coffee, I'm a nice mug of tea man myself, though that can be loaded with caffeine too!

is that scalemodel of tokyo still around?

why? Do you have evil and nefarious plans for it?

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By soda, do you mean fizzy drinks like coke etc? If so, they are rammed with caffeine usually, so I can se how cutting back would help! I only rarely drink coffee, I'm a nice mug of tea man myself, though that can be loaded with caffeine too!

Have you ever played American McGee's Alice? The Chesire Cat had something to say about tea in it, made me laugh.

"Those who say they like to have a cup of tea to relax have never had real tea. It's like a shot of adrenaline, straight to the heart."

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And now it's time for me to get going. Won't be here tomorrow, sadly, got a five day vacation coming up. I'll see you guys back on here (at least around this time of day) either Tuesday or Wednesday. Have a great weekend Abs, Yazza and Karn!

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

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And now it's time for me to get going. Won't be here tomorrow, sadly, got a five day vacation coming up. I'll see you guys back on here (at least around this time of day) either Tuesday or Wednesday. Have a great weekend Abs, Yazza and Karn!

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

#looks around, sees empty fish tank#

Hmmm it wasn't just a douglas adams quote then.....

Have a good vacation, I'm sure we'll all still be here when you get back.

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And now it's time for me to get going. Won't be here tomorrow, sadly, got a five day vacation coming up. I'll see you guys back on here (at least around this time of day) either Tuesday or Wednesday. Have a great weekend Abs, Yazza and Karn!

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

Sadly you have a 5 day vacation?

*Sits up, grabs the monolith and some how lifts it up while he is still in mid air and hurls the massive construct at you*

>.> maybe a bit of an overreaction.

Night man! If your still alive under there.... *peers under the Monolith*

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Sadly you have a 5 day vacation?

*Sits up, grabs the monolith and some how lifts it up while he is still in mid air and hurls the massive construct at you*

>.> maybe a bit of an overreaction.

Night man! If your still alive under there.... *peers under the Monolith*

are you playing with your new friends again? You do realise flattening them is not necessarily conducive to good play? ;)

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are you playing with your new friends again? You do realise flattening them is not necessarily conducive to good play? ;)

*Eyes AB, some how back on top of the monolith again*

I suppose....

*Leans down and taps the Monolith, the thing sliding to the side to free Edonil*

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do we have a godzilla costume around here, the puppet didnt work well enough for letting of steam

sure its in the wardrobe...but don't go through the back, I'm sure we lost Spoon that way...

*Eyes AB, some how back on top of the monolith again*

I suppose....

*Leans down and taps the Monolith, the thing sliding to the side to free Edonil*

There, thats better. Now if we hang him up I'm sure he'll pop back into 3D soon...

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