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how was your weekend, Karn?

Not bad, REALLY busy. If it wasn't one thing it was another having me run around the place, work on side projects, and playing Malifaux on Sunday heh.

So it was a good weekend if a bit tiring. Monday came way to early of course ><

And two weeks starts the round of Graduations for my extended family lol. Got 2 parties to go to on the 25th and then another one the 26th I probably wont go to, but still. Talk about cluster bomb O.o

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Anyone one have a futton they want to ship to me? I need to get a new mattress for Garrett's bed... It's killing my back... *stretches, spine/hips/shoulders make snap crackle pop sounds*

Ugh, that sucks. Nothing worse then a horrible sleeping apparatus. :/

*Rubs your shoulders*

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Watch the left one... I... damaged/pinched the tendons in my.... rotator cuff... and it was better (mostly) until I slept on Garrett's bed all weekend *starts to roll shoulder, stops, remembering that in can repinch whatever hurts*

*Takes care with the left shoulder*

Ouch... thats not a fun situation to be in even before you sleep on a terrible bed :/

Should try to put some heat on it tonight, hot towel etc and loosen it up a bit since it's the tendons and not a pinched nerve.

And as a sign of things to come:


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@shoulder: my neighbor (who is a physical therapist and diagnosed me) said cold is better.... 'cause the pain is from the pinched thing being enflamed or whatever...

@dress: Karn... you're gonna start wearing a dress?

Ahhh... that makes sense then. So just injured it at some point? Or is it one of those things you really have to go our of your way to injure, like over extending your elbow on a throw *shudders*.

@Dress: Well..... the Bunny has said so..... how about you pick out a dress and we both wear one of it, seem fair? =D

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hello everyone !

a little sneak peak at what i was painting this weekend


Ohhh thats a really nice model Foe, what is it?

Also love the creed sludge btw, that is a great effect you have going on it.

@Yazza: So what are they giving you for a reimbursement?

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Ahhh... that makes sense then. So just injured it at some point? Or is it one of those things you really have to go our of your way to injure, like over extending your elbow on a throw *shudders*.

@Dress: Well..... the Bunny has said so..... how about you pick out a dress and we both wear one of it, seem fair? =D

will you be wearing the same dress at the same time

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Its a studio mcvey mini I had to get as soon as I seen it , she is number 474 out of 700 .

@yazza - no dips , I just washed it with a thin layer of black wash to bring out the detail and to preshadow the mini .

@karn , thanks Iam debating weather to add a lighting effect to come off of the sludge .

@fell - a warm shower usually works wonders for my back when it acts up .

I picked super stardust hd and infamous as my picks , I already have LBP my son loves that game . i also played through infamous but it was such a good game to get it agian for free was well worth a replay .

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@Shoulder: It's a "sleeping on it wrong/carrying too much weight on it/not resting it enough" injury.... It's a sign of my age ;)

@Dress: I've worn skirts 4 of the last 7 days... I think it's your turn...

How 'bout this:


@Shoulder: Bah! Your not old Fell, your joints aren't supposed to fall apart yet.

I used to sleep strangely on my right shoulder... for a while it got so bad that my arm was in pain most of the day. Thankfully I managed to kick that horrible sleeping habit.

@Dress: Alright... fair enough..... but I gotta get something out of this ;) you wear one and I'll wear one =)

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I'm wearing a skirt right now.... :P

*Looks down, tilts head, looks back up*

So you are =D

I, however, am not. Jeans for me, though I am very happy I can wear jeans at work. Half the time a job like this you can, the other half you have to wear dress pants and buttons shirts etc. Which I never understood... why do I have to dress so uncomfortably for a job where I spend most of my time in a cube, I nearly never meet an external customer face to face, and the people I interact with 99% of the time are in the same situation >.>

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I never really understood the whole shirt and tie thing unless you are meeting clients , or there are customers in and out of the office . I used to do the hiring for a large staffing firm , and used to count the days til Friday which was dress down day .

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