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Cya AB! Have a good evening man.

So for my start to neverborn I was thinking

Lilith box

Youngins blister




ill also be doing a creepy dolls list with colloti and the big Z

Good choice. I would throw in a BB Shaman as well, they are truly fantastically useful minions. But otherwise looks like a solid Lilith start.

Yup waiting on my creepy dolls to, Zoraida is going to love them and truthfully they are just really cool models =)

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Primordial magic > Malifaux Cherub

I really see no reson to cherub over the Primordial magic


lol, the Love spell is the main reason and it's hard to say which is more useful over all, Love or the extra card. Personally I like the Love spell and can get a lot of mileage out of it. But to each their own really. =)

*dances in* Hello... Sorry I missed you Abs! Enjoy the sun *blows Abs a kiss, picks up Karn and sets him on her shoulder* How are you gents this afternoon?

*hugs the side of your head before settling in against it*

In a good mood today Fell? Or just have some good tunage?

Doing ok, going a little nuts doing 7 things at once but making progress. =) How about you? Any warmer?

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*hugs the side of your head before settling in against it*

In a good mood today Fell? Or just have some good tunage?

Doing ok, going a little nuts doing 7 things at once but making progress. =) How about you? Any warmer?

I'm... meh. not much warmer... drinking Mountain Dew to try and stave off my coma today... and there are no speakers on my computer at all. I just... feel like dancing...

And the music thing is only partly right. *whispers* It's all in my head *sings*

I ain't happy, I'm feelin' glad

Got Sunshine in a bag

I'm useless, but not for long

My future is comin' on


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lol, the Love spell is the main reason and it's hard to say which is more useful over all, Love or the extra card. Personally I like the Love spell and can get a lot of mileage out of it. But to each their own really. =)

It requires too high a mask to be useful, the only target it can realy be effective against is killjoy

And BTW that difference of one card can mean the difference of killjoy staggering back to killjoy exploding in a single shot

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*dances around in a circle*

*Continues to dance on your shoulder as you dance*

Huzzah for music in your head! Best kind.

Hey some days you just feel like moving and if its expressed as dancing, all the better =)

I wish I had Mt Dew though... only water and Coffee.

@Song: Wow... that was a awesome video! I like the song to =D

Edited by karn987
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It requires too high a mask to be useful, the only target it can realy be effective against is killjoy

And BTW that difference of one card can mean the difference of killjoy staggering back to killjoy exploding in a single shot

Not true. Only requires a 9, no suit needed as he has it built in. It is effective against everyone though ;) Range 12 means it can stay back and support with this and a lot of models actually have Wp 5 or less.

Even if they are 6 or more, that is -3Cb, that means hurling this at your opponents Master will do 1 of 2 things for you. Eat their cards as they try to resist it, or catch them with this and make it so they can't touch Lilith in Melee any more. I do this nearly every game to Lady J, I will either get it through against her or eat up 2 cards.

But its all about preference in the end though. You are right, a 9 is a tad high to get off and there is still the resist vs that +1 card. So *shrugs*

Edited by karn987
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Killjoy really never sees player in my local meta .

Mmmm shake shack burger and shake for me today , this place has amazing burgers , one of the best in Nyc . Just hope the line isnt around the corner like it normaly is , it actually goes outside the line

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I am really looking forward to my doll army... but I think a Neph army would be cool... sort of. The idea of all the Nephalim is neat, but I feel like... a lot of Neverborn players are doing it... *shrugs*

I <3 me some Guildsters though!!! :D

Mmm there are a good number of Neph armies, but all depends on your local meta to. I say go for it if you like it =)

Join us! We have wings and tails! You can have a set if you do =D

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@Karn you mis understood me at last part, that was Lilith vs Killjoy. Killjoy took three swings at Lilith, missed every time and Lilith and just killed him in a single shot (Red joker FTW) even still I love having the giant hand advantage I have while playing with Lilith

Ahhh that would explain it, yeah the Red Joker will do that to him XD.

Yeah I hear what your saying, its a toss up really. You like the extra Card and I like the Love spell. What we do fits our play styles =)

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erm... I'm good on the wings and tail... thanks :)

plus, I have to save my money for Guild stuff :)

Awww... you sure? can get you a big pair of devil wings =D

Ohhhh ok. *leans against your head and puts devil horns on your again*

Devil at heart then I guess ;)

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@Foe: hmm... I need a Lucius Crew... and the Totems for everyone but LJ (5 models)... and then I think I have at least one of every model.... NOPE! Peacekeeper.... some Guild Hounds (when they finally come out).. Thats it though...

The Bags are like $80 through Battle Foam.. *shrugs*

that's... $107.00 for me? Thats without Hounds (which aren't priced yet) and extra Guild Gaurd/Marshals/Stalkers...

Edited by TheOneWhoFell
Math.. I are the derf
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Ahhh that would explain it, yeah the Red Joker will do that to him XD.

Yeah I hear what your saying, its a toss up really. You like the extra Card and I like the Love spell. What we do fits our play styles =)

True, and I have bought 4 of them and soon to get a fifth, seriously those wings are great for moding

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