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When I was in high school I picked up a book called homeland by R.A. Salvator anf hadn't been reading fantasy ever since .

Just found a copy of pride and prejudice and zombies , I heard ok things about it so might give it a read down the road sometime .

Yeah I heard interesting things about P&P Zombies to but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

I don't think I had an absolute favorite... I find I appreciate many of the books as I get older in a way I didn't "get" when I was a student... I do love British Lit... :)

Mmm I agree with the "get" part of that, a lot of books I read in school went over my head and now I look back at them and get that "huh... so thats what that was about.. well that's interesting *reads more*".

I honestly can't say I have read a lot of British Lit I think... but then again I may not know one if it hit me in the face XD

I do find myself leaning towards Scifi a lot, probably because I love technology and I love a good war story. But then again, I guess it comes down if I am reading to be entertained or reading to get fully vested and understand a book.

This probably makes me a huge geek... but one of my favorite books is the Mythical Man Month by Fred Brooks. I find the observations fascinating especially since many of the practices he details as being inefficient I have to deal with now at work XD

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Ash: Clatto Verata Nicto.

Wiseman: Well, repeat them.

Ash: Clatto Verata Nicto.

Wiseman: Again.

Ash: I got it, I got it! I know your damn words, alright?

Ash: Clatto Verata N... Necktie... Neckturn... Nickel... It's an "N" word, it's definitely an "N" word! Clatto... Verata... N-


Ash: [pause] Okay... that's it!

IMDB for all your quoting needs XD

On a side note... I love Army of Darkness ^^

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British Lit is anything written and published in England (Read Harry Potter? lol)

I read... everything? Not SO big on nonfiction... I don't like to read long drawn out histories or bibliographies... but I LOVE fiction... and Fantasy... Right now I'm reading 5 books (Not exactally all at once... I cylce through them so I don't get bored... and yes, I remember everything I read...).

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (Lewis)

Lamb: The Gospel according to Biff, Christ's childhood pal (Moores)

Dracula (Stoker)

Latest Work, Life, Bibliography (Tolstoy)

Irish Tracts and Sermons (Swift)

And three of them fall under British Lit :D

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Silly querty touch screen I had to go back and edit my last post , made out sound like salvatore writing turned me away from fantasy lol , I rather enjoyed the dark elf series thats what got me into reading fantasy .

Just read the zombie hand book , it was a fun read for the train rides into work .

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Not a fan of Harry Potter, the last in retro spec was pretty bad. Come on it killed off the cast without any real reason in last chapter


Power of Five > Harry Potter

Wasn't touting HP... Just giving an example ;)

your dislike of HP sounds like my dislike for Dan Brown... and James Patterson *growls about made up words*

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British Lit is anything written and published in England (Read Harry Potter? lol)

I read... everything? Not SO big on nonfiction... I don't like to read long drawn out histories or bibliographies... but I LOVE fiction... and Fantasy... Right now I'm reading 5 books (Not exactally all at once... I cylce through them so I don't get bored... and yes, I remember everything I read...).

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (Lewis)

Lamb: The Gospel according to Biff, Christ's childhood pal (Moores)

Dracula (Stoker)

Latest Work, Life, Bibliography (Tolstoy)

Irish Tracts and Sermons (Swift)

And three of them fall under British Lit :D

Ohh... duh... yeah I read the Harry Potters lol.

Not my favorite fantasy but it was interesting at least, I liked some of the concepts a lot but I really wanted to smack Harry around in the last few books..

I love the LWW! I liked the books a lot more then the movies.

I've not gotten hooked into a fantasy series in a while... sick of the same old Dragon this dragon that thing of many of them. Mind you Dragons are cool but so horribly overused, I prefer demons and devils for my mega mythical creatures to be honest.

Hmmm what am I reading right now... one of the Starwars Fate of the Jedi Novels (name escapes me) and about 3 technical books on Java Spring XD

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@Karn: Pick up Mr. B Gone. It was FANTASTIC! Or any of the Christopher Moores books (Lamb, Practical Demon Keeping, You Suck, Live Bites, Blood Sucking fiends...)

I plan to pick up that Practical Demon Keeping book and those others you recommended to me. I just need to get through these technical books first XD

Hmmm Mr. B Gone...I'll look into it.

Hoping to get one of them maybe late next week and start it =)

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Wasn't touting HP... Just giving an example ;)

your dislike of HP sounds like my dislike for Dan Brown... and James Patterson *growls about made up words*

I like the early books where they were simple and didn't think much of themselves, now the're every where and it's better then everything else, it too full of itself

Also the last few book are too long and nothing EVER happens

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I have about an hour now too... and then it's Malifaux for me too!!! hopefully gonna do some research *blink blink*

Excellent! Malifaux for everyone! *tosses black blood all over the place* Err... whoops...

Hopefully all that time working on Dita and Lady J has yielded some new tricks for you Fell. =)

So they finally killed Bin Laden…..Incredible what the Americans can do when the playstation network is down

*nearly chokes on his water laughing*


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I do have some more ideas... And I think I'm going to run them in a brawl together tonight... to further my thought process...

Ohhh Brawls... I've not done a ton of them though I want to do more of them. Good luck with them, hopefully your ideas pan out.

I really want to try more Levy and Hoffman brawls, only done 1 so far.

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I think I'll probably be playing Outcasts.... So I think I'm gonna use Justice to run interference.... :D

Well she is certainly one heck of an interference to run into ;) If you have trouble keeping her alive, consider adding a Guardian and having it keep up with her using Protect and what not on her when it can. That should certainly make Lady J tougher.

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