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Chuck Norr......I mean Lucius WIP! :D


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So I'm gonna do this in steps, so here he is primed:


Then I've gotten his coat pretty much done, I may wash the dark areas and go up one more level of red, but ill see what what you guys think:



Got some more paint on him, nothing finishes just some layers to start. Been busy at work and playing y-go. (Ya I said y-go, go ahead and laugh. :( ) Anyways hope you like it so far.




Got alittle more done, he's almost done. Just need to figure out his skin and do some final highlithing. Sorry for the pictures, the sun is going down and I'm doing this at work so I don't have my lamp. Ill get better pics tomorrow.





I'm going with the zenith lighting effect for him, so I will be posting more when I make progress. I had his mask done but I didn't like it, so I scrapped the paint off And am gonna redo. More pics tomorrow. :)

Edited by Iamwyrd
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