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A League Grows in Brooklyn


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Hey All!

We have started a little escalation league here in our gaming group in Brooklyn. We started with 25ss crews and build up by 10ss every 4 weeks. We have been using some simple campaign/league rules that I cooked up for the gaming side of things, and give players a bonus if they get their stuff painted.

I'll keep updating this thread with pics as we get stuff done.

Onto the crews!

Here is Thor's starting Kirai gang:


Here is Austin's Guild crew:


And Swell's Hamelin jerks:


For Plasticboy's Fairytale-themed Zoraida/Collodi force, you can find pics in the Miniature Matters section of the forums.

and Gaftra never got me the unpainted/assembled pics of his Marcus crew, so we'll have to imagine them...

let us know what you think!


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  • 1 month later...

Here are some more pics of Gaftra's (almost completely) Proxy gang for Marcus:




2nd Shikome:






And a scoundrel of a Gunsmith:



Hopefully have more pics soon. Foerender has joined our little Brooklyn league, and pics of his cool Hoffman crew can be found elsewhere on the forums.

On the gaming side, it looks like Plasticboy's fairy tale Collodi/Zoraida crew and my Hamelin crew are in the lead.


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Brooklyn rules in so many ways, but I didn't realize it rules in Malifaux too! We have very rapidly developed a strong following at our game club in Park Slope ( www.nycwargames.com , follow the link to the Yahoo site where we organize games etc.).

Maybe some of your players have joined us, we regularly get FoeRender down there to host / teach / demo. We should get together some time. Also, I'm sure you know about FoeRender's Malifaux tournament on June 11th at the Strategist, maybe we can meet there.

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thanks for the feedback!

here are the rules we are using:



3 Rounds, with a final battle at the end.

Each round will last 4 weeks. Round 1 will be 25 soulstones, Round 2 35ss, Round 4 45ss. Final Battle TBA.

In each Round you can play as many games as you want, following the rules for that Round. Each Round will have a special Strategy chart to flip on, to represent that phase of the campaign story. Should both players flip the same Strategy, count it as the "Shared" version of that strategy. When selecting Schemes, the only restriction is that you cannot select the same Scheme two games in a row.

Scoring for the League will be based on Victory Points scored during the games. Each player will get to take his best Victory Point result from each Round and add it to his total. The bonus for leading in VPs will change from round to round.

Having a fully painted crew will earn you 2 extra VP (for league scoring purposes not in game). Winning your game also earns you 1 extra VP.


A Guild-funded surveying expedition operating to the Southeast of the city has stopped reporting back to the Office of Wilderness Development. In their last transmission the foreman, Kent Mulligan, mentioned the discovery of a large ancient structure as well as the ominous disappearance of some of his team. In response, an MSU excavation team was dispatched by the Office of Wilderness Development to aid Mulligan's team. No word has been heard from either the expedition or the excavation team aside from a garbled Aethervox transmission where only the phrases "unquiet spirits" and "all dead" could be heard above the static. The location of the expedition, now known as Site Theta by the Guild, has become the subject of rumor and wine sink gossip around Malifaux. In shady backrooms, Guild offices, and darkened alleys, powerful individuals are gathering their forces. Soon a race will begin to claim Site Theta, and reveal the secrets that lie buried in the ruins....

ROUND 1: Scouring the Wilderness

The land to the South of the city is a mixture of bogs and twisted forest. Small farms try to scrape a living out of the unfriendly wilderness. Bits of ruined structures, remains of Malifauxs past, poke their way from the underbrush. Somewhere out here lie the clues to Site Theta's whereabouts, but your crew is not the only hunter in the woods...


Ace-4 - Distract

5-7 - Reconnoiter

8-10 - Turf War

11-13 - Supply Wagon

Joker - You Pick

Special Feature (Flip Once):

Ace-4 - Dim Lighting

5-7 - Dark Omens

8-9 - Foggy

10-13 - Torrential Rains

Joker - Flip Twice

Special Rules:

-Players can only select 1 Scheme

-Looking for Clues: Before deployment, each player alternating places 2 Clue Tokens (30mm) at least 6” outside of the deployment zones and no closer than 8" to another Clue Token. Any unengaged, non-Insignificant model may take a (2) Interact Action while within 1" of a Clue Token to earn 1 VP and flip on the following chart:

Ace-10: Remove the Clue Token.

11-13: Leave the Clue Token in place.

Red Joker: Remove the Clue Token. Add 1 Soulstone to the Soulstone Pool.

Black Joker: Remove the Clue Token. Sacrifice the model.

Round 2: Culling the Competition

The remains of the Guild surveyors and MSU excavation team have been found scattered across a few miles of boggy forest. Violence has erupted as rival search parties encounter each other while searching for the whereabouts of Site Theta. Rumors are spreading that one of the gangs has uncovered the journal of Kent Mulligan, foreman of the Guild expedition. With the information found in the journal, the secrets of the dig site will not stay hidden for long...


Ace-4 - Contain Power

5-7 - Deliver a Message

8-10 - Escape and Survive

11-13 - Slaughter

Joker - You Pick

Special Feature (Flip Once):

Ace-4 - Doppelganger!*

5-7 - Alone in the Dark

8-10 - Cruel Winds

11-13 - Disturbing Whispers

Joker - Flip Twice

Special Rules:

*Doppelganger! (Random) - This is a random special event. On the turn that this event is in play, each time a player activates a Ht 2 Minion, he must make a flip before taking ANY action. If the flip is a MASK, REPLACE the model with a Doppelganger model. Do not flip for any more models for the rest of the encounter. The Doppelganger does not count as a Friendly model to either crew except for victory conditions.

Mulligan's Journal - The player who has the most Campaign VPs after Round 1 gets the following bonus in Round 2 (if two players are tied, they both get the bonus). Select a Unique model in your crew before you deploy your crew. That model counts as being in base contact with a book counter as per the Special Feature 'Cache of Tomes' for the rest of the encounter.

Desperate Measures - The player who has the least Campaign VPs after Round 1 gets the following bonus in Round 2 (if two players are tied, neither get the bonus). Once per encounter, when you flip the Black Joker you may choose to suffer an unmodifiable 1/3/5 damage flip on the involved model before discarding the Black Joker and reflipping a new card in the place of the Black Joker.

Round 3: Time Runs Short

After weeks of fighting, the forests have become a haunted desolation. Vermin infest the undergrowth and gangs of Neverborn plague the unwary. The gang warfare has become concentrated around the mysterious Dig Site Theta. Only the most desperate or determined will be able to claim the power boiling up from beneath the ruins!


Ace-4 – A Line in the Sand

5-7 – Destroy the Evidence

8-10 – Plant Evidence

11-13 – Treasure Hunt

Joker – You Pick

Special Feature (Flip Once):

Ace-2 – Growing Fire

3-4 – Doppelganger! (see above)

5-7 –Howling Voices

8-10 – Earthquake

11-13 – Flash Flood

Joker – Flip Twice

Special Rules:

Steely Resolve – If a player scored fewer VPs than his opponent in Round 2, he benefits from this special rule. At the start of any turn he may announce that he is using this ability. Until the Start Closing Phase all of his models gain the Slow to Die Talent. If a model already has the Slow to Die Talent, they gain the Does not Die Talent instead. If a model already has the Does not Die Talent, they gain no new benefit.

One Step Ahead – If a player scored more VPs than his opponent in Round 2, he benefits from this special rule. After deployment but before the first turn, all of this players models may push up to their Wk in inches. Also, on turn 6, flip two cards instead of 1 to determine if the game ends. This player may choose which card to use.

Final Battle: TBA


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