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World rat day!

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Yes you heard it. Today (4/4/2011) is world rat day, and i just wanna say a biiiiiiig thank you to our very own Ratty. He is very opinionated, and contributes so much to this forum.

As the Website states "All true fans of the pet rat know that these dear, sweet animals deserve greater recognition and admiration, and that their image suffers from ignorance and unthinking prejudice. World Rat Day can be a day to win back some respect to rats through positive promotion, or at the very least, it will be a special day to offer delicious treats and fun gifts to our pets”

So i think we should all tell our Rat Overlord (as he likes to call himself.. isn’t he a PEACH?!) a big thank you

So, thank you ratty for being an awesome member of this forum, and i hope you carry on spreading your knowledge and joy for many more years to come! :D


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