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Malifaux RPG?


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So, I am not sure of this has been done before, but I think it would be a great project and all of that jazz.

The first thing I think I or we need to decide is the system, I have narrowed it down to three (in no particular order);

> nWOD ST System

> FATE System

> Savage Worlds

Thoughts? Opinions? Or am I just crazy

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Not crazy (in my mind at least!) at all. I just mentioned in my "Hello World" post that I was looking at doing a Malifaux RPG session or two.

I have also been looking at systems and was looking for something rules light that accepted guns and swordplay equally.

I've not looked at FATE yet but now you've mentioned it, it seems a great fit even if I don't know much about it. I mean a diceless system just seems right for Malifaux. I may pick up a copy of it either on PDF or at the weekend at the FLGS.

I'm not sure NWOD will fit, too much horror and not enough Wyrd for me. Savage Worlds can work or be made to work with just about any theme. I think it just depends how in-depth you want the rules/character creation to be and if you want to involve dice.

If I come up with anything I'll add it to this post rather than create another if that is ok?

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GURPs is always the obvious choice since it can be tweaked to work in just about any system.

I am always a fan of d100 % systems like Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Death Watch.

Then there is always C'thulu tech that certainly has the weird/horror mix but needs tweaks to bring it into line with the tech level since it is a future tech game. But it is rather flexible.

So those are just my ideas.

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So, I am not sure of this has been done before, but I think it would be a great project and all of that jazz.

The first thing I think I or we need to decide is the system, I have narrowed it down to three (in no particular order);

> nWOD ST System

> FATE System

> Savage Worlds

Thoughts? Opinions? Or am I just crazy

I would go with Deadlands. Either the original or the D&D3.5 rules.

The Original is far cooler and uses cards instead of dice. The whole system being run on poker hands. You could even use Soulstones like fate chips.

It has rules for gunfighting, magic, steampunk creations. Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Demons and Zombies.

EDIT: See someone else said it while I was typing.

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Not a fan of any of those systems, but if you twist my arm I'd say fate is the better option.

Either way, I'd use the deck as is from Malifaux. The stats seem fine as is as well. Not sure why you'd need another system for. Just come up with character creation and a spell list...

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I will put my hand up and say that although I have been an RPer on and off for about 20 years that I, nor any of my gaming buddies have ever ran Deadlands!

There I said it, now that's out in the open... I didn't realise it covered so many themes. It sounds perfect if it covers Horror, Steampunk and obviously the Weird West. I'll have to see if I can find the books or the PDFs and have a look.

I have the Coretex system by way of the Serenity RPG, so will also take a closer look at that.

I was also thinking of using the Malifaux fate deck as the "dice" but am still to read the mechanics of the game and buy a deck so again, early days for me :)

Some good dicussion though, please continue!

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Ya, Deadlands would be perfect I think. I mean, that is almost the whole setting right there. Just have to add a little more steampunk and bigger cities.

The original Deadlands was always fun but the Reloaded version is simplier to use and a lot more cleaned up as far as mechanics go. I want to get my hands on a puppet deck for this.

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Deadlands ftw...

but if you're looking for a new system to run it is, Cortex is always a lot of fun. It's the system that was "created" for Joss Whedon RPGs (Serenity/Firefly, Buffy, and Angel). It's one of my favorite RPG systems.

IIRC, Cortex is just Serenity/Firefly. Angel and Buffy run on Unisystem (Cinematic Unisystem actually), being a simplified, fluffier version of the Unisystem that powers Witchcraft and All Flesh Must Be Eaten.

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But they would also quite likely come up with their own system and setting. It would take a while...but for once...I have faith in a game system's designers.

And Honestly...I would love to work on something like that. The setting has everything it needs. It would likely work out fairly simply lol.

Maybe even use Shadowrun's rules set. Gives magic rules, weapon rules for both melee and ranged. Even armor.

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But they would also quite likely come up with their own system and setting. It would take a while...but for once...I have faith in a game system's designers.

And Honestly...I would love to work on something like that. The setting has everything it needs. It would likely work out fairly simply lol.

Maybe even use Shadowrun's rules set. Gives magic rules, weapon rules for both melee and ranged. Even armor.

I would probably lean towards Unisystem, since it's simple. You can do firearms, melee, spells, armor, creatures, robots, etc. It's pretty malleable.

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I'm a big fan of Chaosiums core system. percentile makes a lot of sense. What my chance of Successfully making this bomb.. well your bomb making is 50 and I'll give you +20 because your in a proper lab.. your chance is 70%...

As opposed to a lot of systems where you ask what's my chance of making this bomb.. well your Int is 3 and your bomb making is 4 and the difficulty is moderate so roll 7 D10, needing 7, rolling a extra dice for any 0s you may get and taking any 1s off the number of dice you get 7s on.. You will need at least 3 successful dice. Eyuck...

Any system where you need to be a maths genius to work out the probability of success might be a bit hard.


[/ame] Edited by Ratty
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I think the Deadlands setting is right on as the 'ghost rock' fluff will tie in exceptionally well to soul stones. For some terrain, maps etc. Twilight Creations, the "Zombies" makers, have a good looking boxset of Deadlands that have map tiles all decked out (no pun intended). If I was running this game I would consider using the Malifaux rules to resolve climatic or boss battles. So, at the risk of being convoluted. The setting and average encounters, character devlopment, story-arch could be Deadlands RPG. The map tiles and scenerios could be visualized through the TC boxset game and the major conflicts or 'showdowns' could be played out within the Malifaux ruleset.

I think I'm almost inspired enough by this thread to plan a game....hmmm

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  • 3 months later...

Use deadlands revised edition, NOT original nor reloaded.

Ghost Rock= Soul Stones

Resrectionists = Necromancers (huksters, vodooists.etc)

Guild = Law dogs

Neverborn = Manitous, servitors, fearmongers and reckoners. (Or just the badies.'

Zombies = undead/harrowed

Steampunk = steampunk

Mad scentists = engineers

Arcanists = Voodoists, huksters, blessed, black magicians, blood magicians, and many more.


thats jut some equivilants. the characters would easily be moved over. either with new arcane backgrounds or multiple. I myself am running Malifaux using deadlands rules with my freinds.

EDIT:And i just realised I necroed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe even use Shadowrun's rules set. Gives magic rules, weapon rules for both melee and ranged. Even armor.

While Ill be first to nominate Shadowrun as best RPG ever.... its very dice heavy which from sounds of things many would resist. Its also seen as a "complicated" system by lot RPGers (I always felt it was smooth system but Ive been proven to be wrong in 99% the feelings I have.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

once upon a time, I tried homebrewing a Malifaux RPG system from near scratch. I worked out combat and social systems fairly well but I could never get the character creation process to work out correctly. Also I had too many trigger type abilities in my version. It's currently on back burner and will likely never get finished.

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