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Nice proxy for Perdita?


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Hey everyone -

Just a first post from a relatively new player from Edmonton. I got two teams painted up and one more in the works. As I was browsing some miniatures, I think I found a nice proxy for Perdita at Studio McVey. The model is just absolutely gorgeous, but it is on a 50mm base and has the mount, which is obviously not reflected in the original Perdita stats. Despite these things, I think she would fit in with the crew and would look gorgeous! What do y'all think?




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Doesn't it cause some problems with line of sight and reach or was my opponent mistaken that reach when trying to hit someone on another level includes the height of the model?

not really the game is on base size and height stat so as long as it fits on a 30mm (it does trust me) its great! :D

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Well,It will mean you can use them in tournaments. I have to do the same thing with my convict gunslinger.

Depends on the tourney rules. In official Wyrd events proxies are not allowed.

I do love this model and plan to pick it up just to have though. Its pretty awesome.

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Yeah, it is a beautiful model and it is such a Perdita BAD-ASS. Thanks for all the feedback everyone... I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed in official tournaments, but maybe local tournaments will not make a big deal out of it. I think in that case you better bring your regular Perdita, too (which is a beautiful model in its own right)!

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So what happens if we were allready sacrificed?

I read that and had no idea what you were talking about... then it hit me. You're asking about my spell aren't you?! :laugh:

A bunch of my friends play 40k (I still do too, I guess.) so I wanted to make a joke at their expense.

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