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The Shadow over Malifaux

Sliver Chocobo

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Of vampires, cults and the 47 - Prologue

The Dragon Warrior - Chapter One

The Emerald Archer - Chapter Two

Chapter 3 and if anyone gets the reference in this chapters title, well done and you may have a cookie

Gabrielle Ortaga stood looking at the crater where her magic hit the creature she was hunting, whatever it was it bearly scrached it. Gabrielle panicked she wasn't an Ortaga, not a real, she originally trained as a death Marshel along with her twin sister Rebecca, but when Rebecca married Antonio Ortaga, they both changed their name to Ortaga. Taking the tattics of how they hunted the Undead to the Neverborn had many unforseen effects. For one it had made the pair beautiful and granted them abilities once thought as unquie to the Neverborn, but none of that matter now. Her sister and brother-in-law were dead so were the death Marshels in her charge, burn marks had covered her left leg her and the right side of her body, hunching over her coffin, she pulled out her peacebringers and ordered the peacekeeper to attack.

"Where is Amaterasu?" Nicolas stood upwhile mentaining eye to eye contact with the creature.

"Are you hurt Sam"

"No, I'm good"

"As soon as you can get out of here, go somewhere safe" the creature slowly marched forwards.

"Where is Amaterasu?"

"Sorry no Amaterasu here, only me and Sam"

"Then you of no value to me and you must die!"

"I would like to see to try" purple flames covered Nicolas's hands as slammed into the creature, it swapted at Nicolas, the claws didn't scar Nicolas at all, but instead burned his flesh. Nicolas beat his wings quicky send the creature arcoss the road. A peace keep lunged at Nicolas, who became a nightmare spirit, pass through the gaint, stoping half way to remove it's soul stone.

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nicolas ran out into the middle of the Street, the creature stood in front of him, surounded by a veil of yellow mist. A death trapped in some sort of seizures sat at his feet, screaming incoherent gibberish.

"What did you do to her?" The creature chuckled slightly

"It's not my fault, humans, there minds break so very easily. Pop, it's rather fun after a while."

"So, tell me then what are you?"

"What makes you will be able to take it, that your sanity will stay intact"

"Human minds, if you haven't noticed I'm not human"

"Humans, Neverborn doesn't change a thing, we will spend from R'lyeh and consume both earth and Malifaux"

"You speak like you nether human or Neverborn. Just what the hell are you?"

"Do you really want to know? Just so you know it will brake your mind"

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Thanks AB's

Back to Nicolas.

"Just tell me who you are?"

"I am Dagon, king of Deep ones, lord of R'lyeh and ruler over the house of Innsmouth" shouted Dagon, the death Marshel beside him screened in pain as her right arm split into three different arms, she grew a pair of wings, countless of tentical's grew out of back. The Marshel screamed

"We are what once was and shall be again, fear us mortal for the time has come, the great one shall rise from his death in R'lyeh and destroy all of those how oppose him" a bolt of green fire hit in the face.

"Just shut the hell up, Nicolas I assume" a women dress in green, with a bow and twin swords a her side."

"I've been looking for you Olivera, I'll assume Sam sent you"

"Robin hood, please, yep Sam wanted me to make you were safe, not sure why she like you, you look just like any other Nephilim to me"

"I'll telll you sometime"

"Finaly Amaterasu, I have found you" Robin fired seveal arrows at Dagon's face

"Don't call me Amaterasu"

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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nice story ^^

but,, amaterasu? do you watch naruto :P? i like the purple flames you put into the story xD

or do you simply know a bit about japanese mythology?

She's named after Amaterasu-Ōkami the japanese sun goddess, she's been made into the main character to the game Ōkami. Where she takes the form of a wolf, hence her swords be called the wolves.

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She's named after Amaterasu-Ōkami the japanese sun goddess, she's been made into the main character to the game Ōkami. Where she takes the form of a wolf, hence her swords be called the wolves.

well that would be the answer on my question do you know some japanese mythology ;)

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well that would be the answer on my question do you know some japanese mythology ;)

Only a little, I know about that and a little about the Masamune blades

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. But well done, I would like to read more.

I'm glad someone noticed the Lovecraft references

Also has everyone read the first two chapters and the prologue yet, links to them are in the first post

Back on topic

Nicolas stood next to Robin, they both face Dagon and the twisted Creature that was previously a Death Marshel.

"Finally the last of your accursed family shall die tonight." Dagon exclaimed

"In your Dreams" Robin put her bow back onto her back and drew her swords.

"You, know the thing about dreams, there not so far away from Nightmares" the Death Mashel chuckled as she lifted her pinebox, as soon as she opened it a colossal worm slithered out it. It had countless long thin webbed hands, each at the end of long thin bony arms.

It roared out in anger as it lashed out at both Nicolas and Robin, Robin dodged to one side at an unnatural speed, she slashed at several arms, removing three of them at the elbow, misty yellow blood seeped into the air around it.

Nicolas dived to one side, before flying into the air. The creature opened it's mouth a mass of thick tenticals, reached out towards Nicolas, purple flames, exploded out of Nicolas mouth. The creature twisted away slightly before, attacking Nicolas again, he crushed the soulstone in his hand and unleashed a torrent of purple flames, the creature coiled back in agony, before melting out of existence.

Still infused with leftover energy from the soulstone, Nicolas dived at Dagon, Dagon was much faster than Nicolas anticipated and as he struggled to hit Dagon at all. Dagon screamed as a metallic green blade come straight through Dagon's chest. Robin stood behind Dagon.

She removed her sword from Dagon, the death Marshel levitated Robin into the air and threw her at Nicolas.

"I hate those dam things" as Dagon recovered from Robins attack, the Death Marshel opened the pinebox and summoned a multi-headed creature. A black ooze started to grow below both Robin and Nicolas, before it began to swallow them.

"Don't fight it Robin"

"Why, what's happening"

"The Lady is bringing us to her"

End of Chapter Three

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