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Fastest guild crew

Mr. Bigglesworth

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Haven't seen a post in guild for a while so I felt compelled to start. On to the point what guild minions and crew lists are the fastest moving? For those strategies where speed is of the essence.







Enslaved nephlim (not that fast but obey helps make others fast.)

3 guild hounds

Fastest minions:

15" peacekeeper

12" Ryle

Up to 20" Guild hound

14" Watcher

8-12" Santiago

10" Judge and Francisco

Papa (the one model in the guild that you want to push into the enemy line and away from crew as fast as possible)

Everything else is 8 or less. Witchling and Nino are notable 8" minions since they have scout.

Our gun lines make up for our lack of speed but sometimes you need to beat them to the center and the guns are just not atong enough.

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Hoffman + Peacekeeper = Reactivating Peacekeeper = Potential 30" move for Peacekeeper + Hoffman + Toolkit

Lucius would be worth mentioning aswell. He got a 15" move if you for whatever reason spends his Casting Expert on issuing a Walk command to himself. His Reinforcement spell is also great for moving things around.

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you should add Samuel to the notable 8" models, as he too is a scout

I forgot about Sammy.

Hoffman + Peacekeeper = Reactivating Peacekeeper = Potential 30" move for Peacekeeper + Hoffman + Toolkit

Lucius would be worth mentioning aswell. He got a 15" move if you for whatever reason spends his Casting Expert on issuing a Walk command to himself. His Reinforcement spell is also great for moving things around.

Hoffman has the ability to make himself and one model faster, however Perdita and enslaved can do a similar action with obey for 2 models.

I also forgot to add the hunter with its shadow ability he will close the distance much faster.

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Hoffman has the ability to make himself and one model faster, however Perdita and enslaved can do a similar action with obey for 2 models.

Not sure if you're arguing anything here? :S I don't really think the speed added to the crew by having Hoffman vs. having Perdita is comparable.. They're both fast which is what i thought this thread was all about.

If we're talking speed in general for throwing into a Guild crew there's of course also Abuela and Hamelin for extra Obeys (and maybe even Piper's Lure).

All the Freikorps (especially Von Schill himself), Bishop, Desperate Mercenaries and Jack Daw are also rather fast.

Austringer opens up for Malifaux Raptors.

Hoffman lets you take several Arcanist constructs, Mechanical Rider being the fastest one - The Soulstone Miner and Steamborg Executioner are also worth mentioning though :)

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Not sure if you're arguing anything here? :S I don't really think the speed added to the crew by having Hoffman vs. having Perdita is comparable.. They're both fast which is what i thought this thread was all about.

If we're talking speed in general for throwing into a Guild crew there's of course also Abuela and Hamelin for extra Obeys (and maybe even Piper's Lure).

All the Freikorps (especially Von Schill himself), Bishop, Desperate Mercenaries and Jack Daw are also rather fast.

Austringer opens up for Malifaux Raptors.

Hoffman lets you take several Arcanist constructs, Mechanical Rider being the fastest one - The Soulstone Miner and Steamborg Executioner are also worth mentioning though :)

Not really arguing more pointing out an alternative to the Hoffman shocktroop. Obey let's you push you crew up faster. Some strategies are better done if the whole crew is able to move faster. granny, hamelin and nephlim can't obey and keep up like Perdita can. However the nephlim is 2 ss cheap enough to include compared to or 10 ss granny and ham cost.

Hoffman peacekeeper works great for treasure hunt being able to grab and move the treasure 8 in back to deployment is great. rushing Hoffman and peacekeeper forward ahead of the crew by so much can have dire consequences.

Original intent of the post was to look at ways the guild could fulfil a need for speed. This could fastest model combo overall or how to make a faster crew. Both obeying and Hoffman reactivate have there role.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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If I need speed in my usual crew I tend to use Perdita/Abula/Enslaved to sling shot models forward since Perdita can move up I will have either Abula or enslaved obey them up then run perdita up and obey them again. This is how I tend to get papa into a large gorup of the enemy crew and make him pop before they have time to stop him.

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  • 1 month later...
Can you explain the 3 charges and walk 26" please. I am a newer player.

Obey allows you to cause another model to make either any (1) Action, or a Charge action (complete with strike).

Any model can make a charge even if they cannot reach the target model, but the charge would need to follow normal charge rules (declare target within LOS etc).

A typical Perdita crew will have 3 models with Obey. Perdita, Abuela and the enslaved nephilim.

I think the OP means charge+charge+charge+walk=26"

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