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starting ramos


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I've ordered Ramos and it will be here soon,

but can you guys tell me what i can field together with ramos

i've got


steamborg executioner

2 arachnid swarms + 3 extra arachnids

inuin joss



these are the things i can field together with him.

i've got no totem

i also ordered rising powers (so maybe scratchbuild a mobile toolkit, i hear he is the best totem for ramos)

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Ramos is a fun master to play with, nice and simple and quite effective

I like to run him with a Soulstone miner instead of a Steambourg or Joss and then take Johan, and use him as an effective bodyguard for Ramos since he gets +2cb when near him...

Yep the toolkit is by far the best totem there. give him that tome he needs to make spiders and cast spells making production far more easier.

Something you may enjoy is a Guardian the idea or giving many things +2/4 armour making most things nigh unkillable

I personally don't like using him with the gamin but i have had some success with them! thats down to me mainly keeping crews fluffy

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you can keep crews fluffy

but gamins can shoot have the sub zero trigger are walking bombs and are constructs, and 4ss is not so much, they helped me a lot in raspys crews, and i have the habit of using my gamins as suicidal units, and they take a lot with them, even masters, i keep them pakked together with 3, and let them run, spam them together with a lot of arachnids.

3 gamins

2 swarms

30 ss

add the totem or/and a arachnid (don't know how many points the toolkit is) and i can play a nice 35 ss game.

don't know if this wil work :P and some hints on this one will be nice

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I REALLY like Rusty Alyce in my Ramos crews, especially if you're playing the Brass Arachnid. If you run the Mobile Toolkit, she's not as necessary. Kaeris is a lot of fun as well, especially since you have two pieces with Surge then. Being able to cycle cards is really nice in order to try and get some high Crows in your hands for the Arachnid Swarm's Overwhelm trigger or the Steamborg's Decapitate/Knock Aside triggers.

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I love using both Alyce and the toolkit - you use the toolkit to give Ramos an extra tome, and then when you use Alyce you can use Ramos' Ca of (now) 8 double tomes with the Surge trigger (due to her Impressionable Ability).

The extra 2 control cards are fantastic, and the range 12 Cb6 rapid firing, Headshoting, minimum damage 3 gun she has is awesome too.

with regards game sizes - If you are planning on running a 35SS+ game, I would recommend either magnetising one of your swarms or buying another blister of spiders. with Alyce and the toolkit, its very easy to get both swarms and at least one or two spiders on the table by the end of turn 2.

One thing to remember is that Alyce has the Burn Out spell. Its very nice for making ramos reactivate, but its very risky if your opponent can get close to him. I tend to find that you can burnout him first turn no problem, but you either need decent blocking terrain or luck to prevent him dying horribly if you do it turn 2.

A couple of ways to heal him are either to use the toolkit's Weld together action to give him a healing flip, or use his Combat Mechanic spell to heal himself (at the cost of a scrap counter or killing a construct within range.)

One way to use Combat Mechanic is to kill a spider within range of ramos, heal ramos and then construct spider on the scrap counter that the dead spider generated.

a couple of lists I tend to play around with are the following:











Large Steampunk arachnid


2SS spare

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hmm, i never had the idee of adding alyce,, but she would cost 10ss,

and when she does have ramos his Ca, does she also get his triggers?

and the +2 cards indeed is a good option. but is it worth the 2 extra soulstones? and then you have to keep alyce near ramos.

so, in a 35 ss list, what would you guys field? (if you include alyce and toolkit)

and how whould you play with it

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Alyce does not get the Surge trigger. Only his 8 :tomes Ca.

yeah, i tought it would be strange that she would get the surge trigger.

but it would be enough to use burnout,

but whats the use of it on ramos turn 1? you could create another spider, but at the cost of 9 of his wounds?

i would use it on an executionor, activate him and kill some stuff, and reactivate him, and kill some more, it doesn't matter how many wounds inflicted, he will go to 1 wound, and they have to use at least 1 AP on killing him. if they don't he can kill some more

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Using Burn Out an Ramos can be pretty sweet, but it sort of depends on what your opponent is running. It can be a nice trick to have in your back pocket though. You could produce 2 extra Swarms by Turn 3 rather than just 1 Swarm. Gotta make sure that you have a few Soulstones on hand though, to use for Damage Prevention flips if it comes down to it. But Ramos usually tends to hide in a corner somewhere, out of LOS, so even with only 1 Wd left, you can typically keep him pretty well protected, especially if you also have Alyce and a Swarm hanging around nearby.

Just don't try that trick against incredibly fast masters like Chompy, Lillith, etc. It's a fun trick though. I've done it once or twice myself.

And even better, Alyce having the 8 :tomes is AMAZING for Rust. Granted, only works against opponents with Armor, but an 8 attack in anything is difficult for anything except Soulstone users to resist. Between Alyce's Rust and Ramos' Electrical Fire, anything with Armor goes down in a pile of scrap...literally! ;)

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EDIT: after checking it all again, you're right. shame really - an extra caster with auto surge would be nice.

But yeah. I've been using the following list at 35SS:







it means that he only has his SS cache to call on, but with the combination of the extra cards, the +tomes and the fact that you get surge off on every spell, you only really need your SS for damage prevention flips and/or bumping up your electrical fire when shooting at masters.

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Triggers are Talents, not Abilities. Talents include Abilities, Actions, Triggers, and Weapons.

So, all Triggers and all Abilities are considered Talents, but no Triggers are Abilities, and no Abilities are Triggers.

Hopefully that is less confusing for you than it is for me. :P

Don't sweat it though...I made the EXACT same mistake when I first started playing Alyce till one of the other local guys pointed it out.

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