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Tadaka showgirl crew.


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Is it in a spray? If so, you might try shaking it A LOT. Like for two minutes. Then adding a second layer. I've done this a few times with success but have had it end up worse one time. I'd be interested in hearing from a few others on this as well. A second or third opinion would be nice, especially for such a nice model.

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I went brave and gave it a toothbrush polish. I think I got most of the dust off with out jacking the model up. I will try and shake a lot longer before I try another model. Wish the picture was a little sharper. The floor has nail holes that are 2 hard to see in the picture. Few people told me they love the look. Also I love the floor I did first successful green stuff sculpt so i am happy :)

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She looks....dirty or something. Perhaps it's the same thing Kaane was pointing out. Maybe the ink wash you used. It's not a bad look though. Maybe Cassie and her friends just got finished making a Soulstone delivery run through the sewers. :P

I have found that with my spray clear coat, if the can is cold, or if it's really humid outside, that I end up with that frosty kind of look. So, I've learned to always keep my spray paint cans inside the house. Then, I take the models outside just to spray them down (after shaking can very well), and then bring them right back inside to dry. The humidity can cause that frosting effect if the piece is left outside to dry.

Of course, this tends to leave a small bit of spray paint smell in the air, so often helpful to have a spot to set them a bit away from the rest of your painting area so you don't get loopy while trying to paint other stuff. ;)

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Got a mannequin and 2 doves done. Wife thinks I should add a little green to the magic smoke on the one dove and paint the mannequin arm with the ribbons red as its currently all black. Let me know what you think. I am going to try and make a green stuff smoke with stars for the next few models so each dove has a few girls that go along with it.



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Now that you mentioned adding yellow to the ribbons I see a down side to making the mannequin the same as the showgirl. For the showgirl her hair eyes and 2 skin colors added more to the girl but because they lack on the mannequin it looks a little blah. I might just use the same color on the ribbons I used on the girls hair. Will just need to be careful not to make any performers have black hair. Might add the same color to the boot laces to make them pop as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Huge Update for my crew. Few changes to models I have all ready posted as well as a couple new models. Collette is by far the best model I have ever painted. Very happy with her. The duet when combined will have card confetti to replace the cards on there blades. Sort of envisioned them combining in a flurry of motion and cutting the cards up.











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I love the card details-- It seems particularly fitting in the hand of the ponytailed performer.

Though the idea that the Coryphee have somehow impaled cards on their blades (no doubt in a display of astonishing combat/dance technique) makes me smile. Love those constructs.

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Thanks glad you like them I have been at a loss on how to add cards in different ways then just sitting on the bases. I have not figured out what I am going to do with the second set of performers yet. May not do any thing at all with them as colette would look odd being the only one with out cards.

You cant see them in the picture but in the other hand/blade they have a card between the 2 blades. Eventualy I will try and get a pic up of the other side.

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Does any one know if you have to do some thing special to make people be able to see your photo's on cool mini ? I cant find my picture and I know what I am looking for so not sure how any one else would run in to it to vote.

It says my picture Status is waiting.

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