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Leveticus hiring mercenaries


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I like Leveticus. I like Von Schill. I was wondering if there is any possibility of these two working together - or if I should just end that dream now.

For what I can tell, one argument is that Leveticus can't hire Von Schill at all because he's not soulless/construct/undead

On the other hand, Von Schill has the mercenary characteristic..so could Leveticus hire him as a mercenary (and pay additional SS cost?)

On a related note, can other crews hire Leveticus as a mercenary (and pay additional SS cost) even if they contain models that aren't soulless/construct/undead. If not, I really need help understanding why Leveticus has the mercenary tag... What is it used for?

Thanks for the help! This seems like a really fun game. I'm just getting into it. I just need some help navigating some of the trickier points.

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Pariah: means that if Levi joins or is part of a crew you can only have Constructs, Undead or Souless.

So as I understand it he can be hired (as a Merc) by Ramos and Hoffman (at present). They are both constructs. If you do this (in a Brawl of course) then you can only hire Constructs, Undead and Souless but can do so from any faction.

Unfortunately, no you cannot hire Freikorps into his crew.

Cheers :)

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Thanks all for your insight.

It does make me wonder how Leveticus plans to succeed with his small business venture of Captivating Logistics and Salvage if there's only three potential clients that could ever hire him. I think he needs to broaden his client base if he ever hopes to make any progress...


Oh well.

And everyone was super helpful and easy to interpret. Thanks for such a nice forum you run here!

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While I'm sure if Levi was a Guild Employee, such benefits and rights may be extended to his employees. However, because he operates far from Guild control, and the underside of his business is highly illegal...something tells me noone would say anything if a Steampunk Abomination missed a yearly physical, lol.

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Can't Leveticus also ally with Nicodem? Nicodems ability says he is allowed to 'count as' undead for the purposes of spells, abilities and talents. So regarding Leveticus' only pair with undead, souless and construct talent, wouldn't he be eligable? I just assumed it would work, i mean, if he can possy with all the other old dudes....

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