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Cheap grunts for Hoffman


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Turn one copy tunneling and bury him. Next turn when he pops back up have him assimilate a new ability. Bury him again. As long as he is not in play at the end of turn the effect will not wear off and you can grab another ability every turn.
Lol at Jack In The Boxmann :)
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Hey it works one proxy game he had Steamcloud, Meliee expert, Tunneling, and healing by the end.

Funny thing is he does steamcloud better then the steamborg because he can have it up at the start of the turn.

Also if he makes any Disengage strikes he has to use his base combat.

Edited by tadaka
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Woot found some thing new.

Soulstone miner


Mechanical Rider

First turn Assimilate tunnel

Bury hoffman

Second turn Assimilate Power Cycle


Third turn Assimilate Power Manipulation and pick your poison

Um another idea take Alice.

Give hoffman Reactivate. You can take abilities 2x as fast and never go to one wound as long as you bury each turn.

Edited by tadaka
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Woot found some thing new.

Soulstone miner


Mechanical Rider

First turn Assimilate tunnel

Bury hoffman

Second turn Assimilate Power Cycle


Third turn Assimilate Power Manipulation and pick your poison

Yup that would work. You get around the key timing phrase in Power Manipulation that usually stops other model's from getting advantage of it.

Glad to see people are giving him some love, he needs it =)

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OK, so here's one I was looking at last night, and wondering if this works the way I think it does with Hoffman.

You bring the Guardian, and then it uses it's (0) action to grant Armor +2 to Hoffman. Then, it also activates (1) Protect. Then, if Hoffman gets hit, he could elect to gain the armor of a Construct, which he could select as the Guardian, who has Armor +2. So, since Hoff got Armor +2 from the Guardian's (0) ability, would he then have Armor +4 total? So, Hoffman would take Wds (Dg-4...nice!), but the Guardian's Protect ability would allow the Guardian to take those Wounds instead.

Is that correct? If so...pretty cool. Then the Guardian uses Self-Repair. :)

Another thing I caught, was the Attendant's ability which allows it to gain a Scrap counter whenever a nearby Construct is Sacrificed. This would be a GREAT reason to take the Steampunk Arachnid Swarm. Start with a Swarm. On turn 1, sacrifice the Swarm to get the three individual guys, giving the Attendant a Scrap Counter. Then on turn 2, Sacrifice the 3 little ones to swarm back together, giving the Attendant 3 more Scrap counters! (Or would this only be one, due to equivalency type stuff?) Cheap counters for healing spell flips later. Would be WICKED in Brawl format with Ramos.

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OK, so here's one I was looking at last night, and wondering if this works the way I think it does with Hoffman.

You bring the Guardian, and then it uses it's (0) action to grant Armor +2 to Hoffman. Then, it also activates (1) Protect. Then, if Hoffman gets hit, he could elect to gain the armor of a Construct, which he could select as the Guardian, who has Armor +2. So, since Hoff got Armor +2 from the Guardian's (0) ability, would he then have Armor +4 total? So, Hoffman would take Wds (Dg-4...nice!), but the Guardian's Protect ability would allow the Guardian to take those Wounds instead.

Is that correct? If so...pretty cool. Then the Guardian uses Self-Repair. :)

Another thing I caught, was the Attendant's ability which allows it to gain a Scrap counter whenever a nearby Construct is Sacrificed. This would be a GREAT reason to take the Steampunk Arachnid Swarm. Start with a Swarm. On turn 1, sacrifice the Swarm to get the three individual guys, giving the Attendant a Scrap Counter. Then on turn 2, Sacrifice the 3 little ones to swarm back together, giving the Attendant 3 more Scrap counters! (Or would this only be one, due to equivalency type stuff?) Cheap counters for healing spell flips later. Would be WICKED in Brawl format with Ramos.

I don't think it's a sacrifice, it's a replace so you wouldn't get a counter for splitting.

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