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Anybody uses Guild Autopsy?


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Since I'm not a Resser player I would like to hear some arguments from you about the positive side of the Guild Autopsy. Looking at its card it just seems way underpowered compared to other Resser models.

Does anybody use this model? What are the experiences?

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I think they are a bit of fluff-minions. They are cool for a joke against a guild player but I'd much rather take 3 Desperate Mercs then 2 of these guys.

Only you can't since you are still limited to two Mercenary minions in a crew per master.

I agree that there are some better shooters out there, but none of them are Res so you are limited to only two of them in a list. Autposy are really there if you want to try a Res gun line list or as an alternative summon for those times when you need a shooter quick.

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Only you can't since you are still limited to two Mercenary minions in a crew per master.

I agree that there are some better shooters out there, but none of them are Res so you are limited to only two of them in a list. Autposy are really there if you want to try a Res gun line list or as an alternative summon for those times when you need a shooter quick.

You can't in a scrap...

True though, If you want to play an all shooter rezzer list they are your almost only option.

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Crappy damage and you don't get counters...that's one of the biggest things for Nico and even McM to an extent.

Honestly, I have gotten used to not using ranged attacks as a Resser, and I will just stick to that. I've found my niche and I like it. =D

no counters is a bummer, but i would say that their obvious use is mostly against crews that would be giving you counters anyways. i don't really want to be shooting 2/3/4 at stuff with armor. i think they are a cheap way to keep the guild honest.

i'll probably use them more than most though, i tend to not focus on summoning as much and i dont like needing a 7 just to take a shot (that will probably miss) with crooked men

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dunno about them fitting any kind of niche. I mean, maybe if you're really strapped for soulstones, or KNOW that you're playing guild, you might consider them, but in all other cases I'd take desperate mercenaries (cheap option) or Crooked Men (slightly more expensive option.) The crookeds are a much more versatile model, much more durable, blasty, meaning that they can hold off groups of enemies, and deal damage to those tough models that are harder to wound, and they leave corpses. Worth one extra point? Yeah, I think so.

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