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Which crew?


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I'm a new Malifaux player and trying to decide which crew to purchase initially. My current favorites are The Dreamer, Nicodem and Zoraida and Leveticus.

However, I would like to find a crew that is forgiving to beginner mistakes and also allows for some flexibility in list construction later down the road.

If you have any suggestions about good starting crews, please let me know!


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Leveticus allows plenty of flexibility later, with all the constructs and undead.

Zoraida has all the goblins and some more models available to her.

Nicodem works with most undead.

But none of the casters you listed seem to be considered easy by the people on this forum. I'm a beginner myself and play none of them, so can't tell you for sure...

Nicodem is probably easier from this lot, but requires more purchases than his starter for you to get everything out of him.

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As Thunder God states Nicodem is probably the easiest to get to grips with but would need a good few purchases. On the plus side many of the models you would purchase for him could end up being used by Leveticus later on down the road.

In saying that Zoraida and the dreamer are not overly complicated in their playstyle and are very good masters.

Leveticus would definately be the trickiest I would say.

Lilith, Lady J and Perdita seem to be considered the easiest masters to learn the basics of. Maybe Seamus also...

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Honestly, go with what you feel. This game is big, dense, and complicated; much more than its simple apperance would seem. Some crews are straitforward (Lady J, Lilith), some rely on a cute little trick but are otherwise 'normal' (Leveticus, Dreamer), and some are byzentine nightmares (Collette).

But, really, go with what you feel. You seem to like undead (and there are enough Dreamer players out there) so I'd advise you to go with Nicodem or Leveticus. If you're looking to hedge your bets, Levi is so hard to kill perminantly that he actively wants to die, so I might go with him.

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Yeah. I am not sorry for getting Seamus and Lilith, but I got them mostly cause they're marked as "Simple". And well, it'd probably really help the first few games, and had helped, where we're already struggling with learning the rules.

I did now invest in Kirai, and want Dreamer, but for the first few games, and trying to get more people interested (especially after the new rulebook pdf comes out!), I'm not at all sorry I got Lilith and Seamus.

At least the undead masters are more likely to share models between one another, heh.

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If you're going for Leviticus, first of all, good luck. He's potentially a one-man apocalypse, but he's also somewhat fragile if your opponent can exploit his reliance on the Waifs. It's not what I'd recommend for a starting crew but if it's the Master you're keen on, by all means give him a try!

Secondly, here's what I'd recommend for a starting crew;

Leveticus box set

Desolation Engine

Waifs blister

canine remains blister

Necropunks blister

...and then maybe a high-cost beatstick (eg. Bete Noire, Flesh Construct, Jack Daw, Killjoy).

The Deso engine and Waifs are there for obvious reasons, and you're right about the necropunks - it helps to have something for taking objectives. The canine remains are there because they have the graverobber characteristic. This means that so long as you have one on the table then Levi will leave a corpse when he dies, which you can summon a hollow waif from.

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The more read up on tactical articles the more I realize how dependent he is on understanding and mastering the art of the activation sequence. That being said, I think I may opt for another slightly less precise Master to learn the sequence, but one that will still allow me to experiment with being tricksome and devious.

Because I am a tricksome and devious sort of guy.

So now I'm considering Nicodem because... wall of undead is just fun but it seems like he has some castery bits that would let me cause some havoc on the battlefield.

Seamus also gets a nod because Lure would be fun, but his top hat is inferior to Nicodem's.

Zoraida also looks quite appealing simply because the idea of hexing and Obey seems like it would be cool, as would taking a Waldgeist for creating forests and such.

Malifaux has too much cool stuff.

Edited by Tango
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Well I'm a bit of a Zoraida fan, having played little else for ~9 months now. She's not easy to kill, has a huge array of available models and playstyles and at least in my opinion, alot of fun to use. :D

My tactics article is below;


I've not really had much experience with Nicodem, but you definitely need some mindless zombies with his starter box. After that, maybe a vulture and various cheap (2-4SS) undead minions?

And I'm with the good Dr Amos - Hats are the only release that matters this month. ;)

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With Nico the Belles work great for taking and samurai punks for summoning. Canine remains are a must for cheap body counters. Nero punks are great objective taker. Vultures are great for picking up counters. Flesh constructs are great for summoning nasty beat sticks. Nico works best when you have options to summon for which ever scenario that arises. That being said he is probably one of the most expensive masters to play well. Learning curve is mid-range but he has a lot of options so you can learn a lot about the rules with him.

Zoradia is also probably mid range learning curve but not as expensive to start but her crew can be very diverse.

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Just to put things straight, you won't raise hundreds of zombies with Nico. The maximum you will ever muster out will be 5-6, maybe 7-8, that is if you solely focus on summoning, normally only 2-3. He is better at supporting his zombies and providing cover via fog. If you go with nico buy the starter box, a vulture and 1 or 2 blisters of mindless dead. You will love the vulture, might even buy a second with time; the mindless dead are essential as he raises them 'for free' from corpses and passes on his damage to them. You will also have Mortimer and 3 Punk Zombies in the box that are perfect for early games. PZs are the badass melee freaks of the rezzer line, you definitely won't need anything 'stronger' then them and Mortimer can be good to have, although as you get to master the synergy with other minions you will find him less and less useful.

So don't start buying all the possible choices for him, go with the essentials and you will figure out which way to go yourself.

Edited by Talishko
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Hi Tango, i have to step in after reading, like Rathnard said, i am a huge Zoraida fan, she is great out of the box, extremely good in almost all missions and schemes, you can play her thematicaly or her best asset, you can hire almost anything.

I`ve been playing her for about 6 months now and i do not need to play with another crew, i have also ramos and lady j and never play with them.

My dream thematic list (someday)


stitched together

voodoo doll




What else do you need?

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