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Another Crew help thread...


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Hello fellow wyrd peeps. I just recently got my Rasputina box and played a few games, woe is me that the only person close enough to play against is my girlfriend. I plan on going to a games store near me where I pretty much know everyone and trying to demo the game and see if I cant convince the owner to start selling the minis. But yeah back to the subject. I WANT ANOTHER BOX! Payday is coming up and I need to blow some cash on my favorite game in the planet.

I was thinking of something tactically complicated but then I remembered that I need to demo Malifaux. Sooo pretty much I was thinking Dreamer, Pandora or Lady J. In my opinion Lady J is a solid crew for demos but not really my play style. I wanted something different from Rasp and Lady J fits that but I just wouldn't really play her (I have some irrational repulsion towards the guild.)

I know next to nothing about Pandora but her box is cool and I LOVE baby kade, hes so creepy. Dreamer seems decent with the ability to just poop out combat beasts but I don't fully understand his tactics (whats an Alp Bomb, I'm so confused!)

Yet another person plagued with indecisiveness.

(As a side note my friends keep telling me they are going to pick up Lilith and the other wants the Viks)

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Wow, they're really coming out of the woodwork today. :D

If you're after another crew for demo games, I wouldn't recomend Pandora or Dreamer, or most of the Book 2 Masters for that matter. Their playstyle is relatively complex for a starter crew.

So of the three you mentioned, Lady J would be the Crew to go with, purely for the purpose of demoing game. If you want something different however, other great starter crews would be;




Nicodem (although his need for zombies means you'll be spending a bit before you have a decent crew)

McMourning (so long as you don't just use the starter box)




Von Schill (ie. the Friekorps, from book 2).

All have a playstyle that's not hard to understand and don't have too steep of a learning curve.

Edited by Rathnard
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Of the list I would most likely go for Von Schill, I've been looking at their box for a while now and they models are all really cool. I just don't really know how they work, shoot stuff, thats what I'm seeing. Pandora and the Dreamer would be more of a 'Oh my god I love that box' sort of purchase and less of a for demo. I'm seriously thinking of buying two boxes now...Von Schill and Pandora or Dreamer. I like what Zorida can do but she weirds me out. What is the difference between Pandora and Dreamers play style? I want to run something melee heavy but my friend is probably going to steal Lilith from me :no: (I have now resolved to probably buy the Von Schill box)

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Von Schill are a really nice crew for Demoing. certain dynamics like their armour are copied across the whole crew, and they have some common weapons like their combat knives. They are also very easy to get into. It's obvious for new players to know what they do. A lady with a box isn't obvious. A guy with a sniper rifle is going to be long range support, a flame thrower is going to be AOE and a girl with a book is going to be your magic support.

If you want Melee don't choose pandora, There is virtually no-melee at all in her crew, unless you take a Teddy or Kade and even then it's not going to feel like a melee crew. The Dreamer is very much melee, but is also quite complex to play.

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of the two neverborn, which is the most complex and which would be the farthest from Rasputinas blow stuff up tactics? I just want some variety, I plan on eventually owning the Neverborn and Arcanist stuff but I just wanna go Crew by Crew not Faction by Faction.

But Von Schill is on the list for sure now.

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It was one of the main reasons I picked up Von Schill, he is perfect for demoing. Also Von Schill is a great addition to my Seamus crew and my Zoraida.

I would go for the Dreamer, he is very fast and melee oriented can't really get further from Rasputina. Pandora is a caster master, OK she does a different type of casting but she is still spell based.

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what other stuff should I pick up with those two crews, also this is going to put me into the 'trying-to-be-henchmen-with-no-LGS' category. This is why I need a demo crew badly...Oh how does Rasputina fare in the demo world, I also have access to Kirai but my girlfriend doesn't own Gaki or the 2nd book. (2nd book is on the list, I loved the fluff in the 1st)

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Well Von Schill can run well straight out of the box, it comes to 26ss so because he's a Henchman you can run it in a 25SS game with a cache of 3 SS. If you want to add anything I would probably say either the Viks as he runs very well with the rest of his crew attached to them as a Master or Taelor who gives you some nice melee damage.

For the Dreamer I would say a pack of Daydreams and a pack of Alps is fairly essential. However if you feel like it you could also add Teddy or Lelu and Lelitu.

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Man not having book 2 is like the ultimate annoyance. I'm missing out on the rules for most of the models I want, I don't know what anything doesss! Yeah Daydreams was happening because the models are creepy-cool, Lelu and Lelitu as well because I've read that they do pretty well for pretty much any Neverborn crew so that'll help when I decide to pick up Pandora later on. Teddy is notorious but I feel like he doesn't need to be involved in any crew. Its my opinion that he draws too much attention to himself and away from the awesomeness that is your crew. Its because hes fluffy.

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Man not having book 2 is like the ultimate annoyance. I'm missing out on the rules for most of the models I want, I don't know what anything doesss! Yeah Daydreams was happening because the models are creepy-cool, Lelu and Lelitu as well because I've read that they do pretty well for pretty much any Neverborn crew so that'll help when I decide to pick up Pandora later on. Teddy is notorious but I feel like he doesn't need to be involved in any crew. Its my opinion that he draws too much attention to himself and away from the awesomeness that is your crew. Its because hes fluffy.

In normal crews I agree with your about Teddy. he really did nothing for me in my Pandora crew. He generally waddles across the board and gets shot to pieces. However in a Dreamer Crew he becomes amazing. You can start off the board and get dumped directly into the enemy, He can doe an awful lot of damage if he can flurry, and having him appear next to the enemy allows him to do this, add to this the fact that he's terrifying and has a long melee range and a good Cb means you can tie up most of the enemies ranged troops with just him. It's 6" area of the board that has to either escape him or kill him to be able to shoot.

Edited by Ratty
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ohhh so you have both crews...Ok time for a weird question, can you tell me how each of them FEELS when you play them? Like if the battle were a movie what kind of movie would it be in your opinion. The reason I picked Rasputina is because I like the image of her walking through a snowstorm and creating blasts of crazy ice-air. She just has a cool feel to me when I play her and for me I cant play well if I'm not feelin it.

Maybe I'm just weird like that but do you know what I mean and can you tell me how Dreamer and Pandora feel?

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I don't actually have the Dreamer yet, but he's on my list. Pandora makes your opponent feel like he's trapped under a burning sofa. She floats around the board with a swarm of sorrows, doing thousands of little psychological cuts. It's never about large damage, more about a constant gradual sapping of will.

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I like the way that sounds...from what I've read fighting the dreamer would feel like you just fell into another persons nightmare and found Freddy Krueger

I'm so indecisive it hurts my brain, I'm also more of a subtle person so Pandora sounds nice to me (still loving Baby Kade) but I do want to play with close combat. Right now I'm stuck on Feel vs. Mechanics...I need to find a coin to flip.

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I like the way that sounds...from what I've read fighting the dreamer would feel like you just fell into another persons nightmare and found Freddy Krueger

I'm so indecisive it hurts my brain, I'm also more of a subtle person so Pandora sounds nice to me (still loving Baby Kade) but I do want to play with close combat. Right now I'm stuck on Feel vs. Mechanics...I need to find a coin to flip.

Not really. It's more like Claws ripping open reality and hoards of gibbering monsters decending on you ripping you apart, and then disappearing as quickly as they arrived. At the center of which you have a huge hulking monster from your worse dreams.

However though most of the Dreamers damage is done from melee, what will win you the game is choosing your fights and playing hit and run.

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I gotta say Ratty you are definitely my go-to-guy for Malifaux. You paint like a boss, and know everything about all things Malifaux. Thanks for going out of your way to help me and everyone else.

Now for more questions!

Where does the Run from hit and run come into play? I have no idea what an alp bomb is or what daydreams do...I know octopus man is cool looking and LCB is a beast but thats pretty much it. I know they all pack a punch but I don't know how they escape being punched.

also for kirai what is +1 instinctual? (this is a question from my girlfriend to you)

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+1 instinctual is really essential it what allows her to work. It allows her to make 2 different (0) actions a turn. For example, Into the Spirit World to appear near another spirit and then Sooth Spirit to heal herself after you summon models onto your target, or to put back up pity after activating.

The Dreamer's main dynamic is burying. So you can for instance move forward daydreams, use them to unbury LCB (which in turn buries the Dreamer). Then LCB can then attack and then as a trigger on his last attack rebury himself and resummon the Dreamer that could then fly away.

Not to mention the Dreamer can't be targetted easily when near other Nightmares.

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Ok cool with the two (0)'s

So where does the Alp Bombing commence?

Alps put debuffs onto models and cause damage when the model activates. If you drop enough onto a model it can't activate without falling over dead. It's a bit cheesy, but more importantly it's really easy to counter if you know it's coming. Punk Zombies can use their slow to die to do a circular attack and wipe them all out in a single attack.

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mmm yeah I don't really like that, It feels like it wouldn't be fun to play against. It's not as fun if your opponent isn't having fun too and I can see how that would get annoying really fast. If I do play dreamer instead of Pandora then I'll probably focus on the bury/unbury thing. Can daydreams bury stuff? Are they like little teleporting pads? (I feel like I'm being annoying :club: )

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The Dreamers card was teased to us before last Gencon, you can find it here:


There's also Colette, Kirai and Ophelia.

Here: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14045

Here: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14135

And here: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14134

Personally I think the so-called complexity of some of the masters is one of the best things about Malifaux, as long as you yourself have the rules down 100% I wouldn't advise against demoing with one of the so-called complex masters.

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