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Hello to all. New to Malifaux but a miniature veteran. Should be picking up some box sets here in the next couple of weeks. First two are Lady Justice and Co. and The Spirits of Vengeance for my wife. I have to say that I am loving the sculpts for the models and that only having to paint 5 or 6 of them to have a painted force is much better than some of my other armies (read Tyranids).

A couple of questions I have. How bad is the flash and mold lines? I'm used to GW whose metals give me nightmares when it comes to cleaning most of the time. The other one has to do with bases. Are the bases displayed on the production shots included or are they purchased separately? Like the coffin that the Death Marshals are on.

I'm currently located in Kansas bout 2 hours west of KC so if there are any other players in the area hit me up. I'm gonna try to get some interest at my LGS and hopefully I can pull some people out of the Hammer slumps.

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Hello there, welcome on board !

In my experience, the quality of the models is very good. The amount of flash and mold lines has been minimal on all of my three crews. One thing to look out for though, is that the models are much finer and more delicate than GW. This means that some parts, like swords, can arrive bent and some fine bits can be a little fiddly to put together.... just ask a Ramos player.

With regards to the bases... well it depends. The majority of models come with normal round plastic bases. Some models such as Johan and Misaki come with really nice metal scenic bases, whereas if you look at the store, the base that Killjoy is mounted on is seperate. The Death Marshalls come with their coffins, and it is quite an impressive sight to see sitting on a shop shelf, as you get a lot of metal for your money !!

Have fun, and let us know how you get on.

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Hi and welcome! Glad to hear you're trying out Malifaux, and I hope you enjoy it! As for mold lines, we do our best, and even hand inspect each mini for miscasts as we pack them. We don't catch them all, but if you get something particularly badly cast, just contact us and we'll figure a way to make it right.


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I've had a lot of models now and I think the worst issue I've had has been a tiny bit of a miscast on the side of a gas mask and some issues with the Umbrella's shafts on the Belles being a bit thin and bendy (but they are not hard to replace with a paper clip.)

I loved painting my Spirits of Vengence they are lovely models. One thing I will say is your wife will need a few more models for Kirai to get the most out of her because of the way she works. I would suggest 2 shells of Seishin and 1 of Gaki will get you going and you can always use proxies to begin with if you need to summon more models. I've managed to summon in up to 4 Onryo and 4 Gaki before now in a few games, and I know someone that has managed to get 8 Onryo in play. But most of the time I find 2 Onryo and 4 Gaki is enough for most games.

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Got my boxes on Tuesday and I am quite pleased. Upon opening the Lady Justice box I got a rather interesting surprise, Miss Pack. Good thing the other box is already Resurrectionists and although she might look a little odd trying to heal spirits I think she'll fit. Thanks to the weather I was able to get to work on getting some of the models cleaned and based, and have already gotten a friend of mine interested. This weekend we'll be going through and figuring out the rules.

Lastly thanks to you guys for the warm welcome and especially to Wyrd for not only the fine quality of models, but also the interesting "Twist" on the hobby we all love.

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Just throwing this out there, I tried but I'm not dedicated enough to paint the 180 models I needed for my Tyranid army...as a matter of fact most of them are still in boxes. I plan on returning them and putting the money to better use.

Buying more Malifaux.:proud:

A great and inteligent decision, good for you bro!

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