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Soor Sportsmanship


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yeah I completely agree with all of you.. In the past i have had players say $%#@ after I've done something and not want to continue. ( like dropping a dreamer terror bomb of doom in the middle of the event organizers gremlin crew, and watching them ALL fail their moral duels) so i dont have a problem with that, I personally wont quit a game, I'll play and learn from what happen and come back smarter and more prepared.

Like i said before I had talked to the event organizer about if players could quit a match and he told me no.. Unfortunately head had family obligations at the time of my match so I wasn't able to have him solve my issue..

This is out first Malifaux league so i view this as a learning experience..The whole issue for me was not that he wanted to quit, it was just attitude and behavior from the beginning of the match till the end..

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Some people shouldn't play toy soldiers. sounds like your opponent fits that bill. Provided you go all the way and win the league, get the store credit... Was it really worth all this? Having a shit game and then having it bother you so much that it manifests into a 3+ page thread on the internets?

I'd have packed my stuff up and added homie to the list of people that wont be sharing my leisure time in the future.

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The whole issue for me was not that he wanted to quit, it was just attitude and behavior from the beginning of the match till the end..

True, we're on somewhat of a tangent. It's never okay to make life miserable for the other guy. When I enter into a GAME with another person, I consider it a social contract. I do my best to ensure he or she has a good time, I expect the same courtesy. Otherwise, you might as well ask a woman to dance, then cuss her out and stomp her toes 'cause you don't like the music.

I'm there PLAY a GAME I enjoy, not coddle a bruised ego.

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Honestly, it sounds like the opponent may have just been having a bad day. Someone that stressed over a game, that quickly, isn't likely to keep playing games for very long. But he certainly wasn't a good opponent, and certainly displayed poor sportsmanship.

That said, and he may not like hearing it, but I don't think Genetic wins any sportsmanship awards either - quite the opposite, in fact. "Hey, I know you're having a miserable time here, but I've got a chance to run up the VPs to give me a better shot at winning the cash, so you can't leave" is pretty much the polar opposite of good sportsmanship. He obviously prioritizes his needs over his opponent's enjoyment. I don't think anyone comes out of this "right", and certainly agree that the event organizers need to do what they can to avoid similar issues in the future.

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I have to say I will regularly quit/conced; always have done, a;ways will. (I dont play tournaments). To me a game is a social event, its for chatting and having fun. If Im getting murdered in a game (ANY game) Ill happily quit and play something else (unless its a multiplayer boardgame). My time is valuable, I dont see wht I should waste it going throught the motions of a foregone conclusion.

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The best way to deal with it, is just to score W/L/D.

If you quit...you get a loss.


I think this is the most sensible idea. I'm not convinced that the various schemes and strategies are particularly balanced against one another. Within a game yes, between two games with a different set of goals, no. A 3vp -2vp win is often no less well faught than an 8vp - 0vp. Certain matchups and strategies make a high scoring game nigh on impossible for one side or the other, and a canny player who predicts this and plays for the marginal victory should be rewarded.

However, given time constraints, you are typically only going to play a handful of games in a tournament, and thus the chances of a tie are high if you only count W/L/D. So maybe keep VP difference as a tie breaker, so there is still an incentive to gather as many as you can. Average the difference across games.

If an opponent has conceded such that you never got to calculate VP, simply exclude it from your average VP calculation, but still counts as a win for you. For the conceder it is a loss; should they still somehow end up in a top position in the tournament overall, such that their VP score mattered, assign some harsh punitive value (maybe a diff of -8) to the conceded game. That way you can only hurt yourself with a concession, you can't artificially boost a friends score.

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We're straying back over a lot of ground recently covered in a thread on OP, which is still on the 1st page of this forum, link here.

@ Doctor Amos - what happens if I have schemes strategies which rely on me killing my opponents figs?

@ waferthinninja - agree with a lot of what you said, with a major objection; I consider using VP difference in games to be a mistake, again that's covered in the thread above, specifically here.


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I have to say I will regularly quit/conced; always have done, a;ways will. (I dont play tournaments). To me a game is a social event, its for chatting and having fun. If Im getting murdered in a game (ANY game) Ill happily quit and play something else (unless its a multiplayer boardgame). My time is valuable, I dont see wht I should waste it going throught the motions of a foregone conclusion.

Usually against me hey? lol :P

Na I agree I once folded a game in a warmachine tournament just because the opponent was not fun to play at all... Now I only play with friends as more of a social thing.

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I've seen plenty of people blow up at tourneys and i'm ashamed to admit it so have I, but not like this its one thing when the other guys deck lets loose 9-13 of rams and red joker for consecutive attacks from LCB (that was my blow up, poor Ryle) or when dita's quick draw damage on turn one flips red joker+severe on your pandora (that would be my "fault") but to be a poor player for the whole game means someone needs to go back to kindergarten. still if he was this bad the only thing I could say to do is to talk to the event organizer and come up with a way around the no quiting thing because the other people there shouldn't have to wait for your game to end just because he is being miserable. we give out prize to highest ranking in the tourney but also to whoever the group desides was the best sport/most fun.

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