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So Im back for more advice and insight.

Dark Alleycat

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Last night I just got my ass handed to me on a silver platter by a Leveticus player.He ran rusty alyce,a rotten belle,molly squidpidge and Leveticus. With this combo he had the crazy amounts of movement that I am used to as playing Seamus.

With Leveticus's spell that takes away 1/2+1 of your health as wounds. And the unresistable spell that turns people into hollow waifs. I couldn't think of a way to counter it so he dismantled my crew one model at a time.

Now I know that in order to kill Leveticus you have to kill him and the hollow waifs in the same turn. Is there any other way to make things easier to face him,when he has the advantage of being able to move around at twice his speed?

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I'm the Levi player he was playing against yesterday.

I had the v3 card printed out right next to me, but i was using my original card I had laminated to keep track of damage. I never realized they changed that 1 spell and added a resist. I'm sorry lenny..

Like every one else, and like I was telling you last night... kill the waifs and smash Levi. he has a low DF, and 8wd, your convict or seamus should be able to kill him with out a problem.. The only thing I had going for me was I had lots of terrain to hide behind, and our objectives forced you to need to be in my deployment zone and i only had to move a short way out of my deployment zone to get mine. so i was able to hide behind terrain and stay safe while you had to move across the board.

My only real advice that I think will help you, stay calm, IT"S JUST A GAME. Winning or losing this game is suppose to be fun.

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Lol hello again man.And no worries about the resist. Honestly,the only reason i was upset Is..well...being steamrolled isnt any fun. I agree with you that winning or losing this game is supposed to be fun and tbh I could care less if i win or lose as long as it was a fun game. I just firmly believe that few people would say that being completely steamrolled is fun lol.And those that do,would be saints lol.

And like I said,I know about the killing Leveticus and the waifs,though I maintain at no point did I have the killing power available to kill all three in one turn without the belles to move them close enough. Believe me,I was weighing that as a possibility every turn. I think there was one turn that you activated Leveticus early that i might have been able to do it,but i didn't realize that he would take that final wound at the start closing phase so i didn't think it would work.

But like i said,I was looking for other tips and tricks to deal with him,rather then the obvious lol.

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I dont understand what you mean Ratty...dont his Waif's come back every round?

yep they come back. However if you kill his waifs he can't afford to kill Leviticus as he won't come back if there is not a waif in play. This means he doesn't draw any cards next turn. If he doesn't draw cards it becomes very hard for him to defend as he doesn't have any cards to cheat with.

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And he has to come back during the closing phase. With the waifs coming back at the end of the closing phase. So 7 damage during the turn,and dead waifs = Leveticus not coming back. And even if you dont finish off Leveticus,if you make him burn them,and take away his waifs for the turn he cant get new cards...Ok I think that will work.

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see...told you I couldnt have taken them out. The only time you let them get out there,was when i didn't have the killing power to take out all three. I think I was also hamstrung by my instincts. I was busy trying to accomplish objectives,rather then wrecking your master. So some fights,it does make sense to whittle down/crunch the enemy crew as well as working on objectives,depending on how dangerous/interfering they are which means that my 40k instincts shouldn't allways be ignored.Also i think I was wrong in my counting...you would have only gotten 2 VP for escape and survive...since of your original 4,only Leveticus and molly were still alive thus not giving you the 75% you needed for all 4.

So i guess we just need to have a rematch *grins* preferably at a time when im not going into the game stressed out and tired so I can help make it a fun one for all lol.

On a side note...am I right in thinking that a Hanged would be a spectacular cure for dealing with Kirai? Because I will be honest,that game dragging on and on was a good portion of why I was so stressed lol. It was fun,especially given that I had to pull out all the stops on my bag of tricks to win,but was still draining lol.

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see...told you I couldnt have taken them out. The only time you let them get out there,was when i didn't have the killing power to take out all three. I think I was also hamstrung by my instincts.

The point I was trying to make is you don't need to take out all 3 in a turn, if you don't think you can take down all 3 attacking Levi is pointless, he will just come back. But knocking out his waifs means he can't afford to die, so can't use his powerful abilities that all cause wounds and can't draw cards next turn.

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The point I was trying to make is you don't need to take out all 3 in a turn, if you don't think you can take down all 3 attacking Levi is pointless, he will just come back. But knocking out his waifs means he can't afford to die, so can't use his powerful abilities that all cause wounds and can't draw cards next turn.


I see what you were talking about Ratty,that makes sense. So even if I can't kill Leveticus,killing his waifs will prevent most of his abilities because they cause wounds to him.And you can lure the waifs,but its generally not the best idea unless you can't do anything else with them.

And since I plan on making Genetic play Leveticus against me till I figure out how to reliably deal with him,I want to thank you all for the help.

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