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New to Malifaux- Ramos list - Advice needed


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So I'm sitting here waiting for my models to arrive so I can finally give this game a whirl, but here is the list I want to try. Any advice welcome.

30 SS list



Rusty Alyce

5 Steampunk Arachnids

4 Soulstones

Basically the plan is to pump out 2 spiders first turn and an electrical creation first turn.

Then the next turn make 2 more, but pop one to heal Ramos a bit, (if there are threats) and then have Alyce make a Steampunk Abomination.

Since Ramos is at one wound, as soon as people get close enough, I won't use alyces reactivation spell on him, and have him create another spider, pop it to heal himself, and have her make another Steampunk Abom + shoot at whatever's there.

Just seems that this could be really good (especially at lower pt levels) the whole adding 12 pts worth of models in two turns thing that is.

Also, what kind of things could get to Ramos behind a building in one turn or two turns? This would be key to know lol.

Thanks for the advice!

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Hmm.. To move him around, eh? Since you don't worry about him getting hurt (you'll reduce him to 0Wd anyway). There's a few ways I can think of.

Mechanical Rider - Drag

December Acolyte - Drag

Steamborg Executioner - Knock Aside

Bishop - Toss Aside

Johan - Knockback

Taelor - Knockback

Jack Daw - Hangman's Knot

Guild Construct: Hunter - Drag

Most of those are probably too expensive though, I think Johan and the Rider are your best bets and will work 'ok' with the list aswell.

Just pray you don't flip the Red Joker for Johan's damage as that might very well kill Ramos xD

Might be worth looking at the Hunter aswell I think..? Hmhmm

Edited by Wodschow
added the Huild Hunter to the list
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LoL Sorry.. I misunderstood completely.. xDDD I thought you were asking what you could use to move Ramos around.. 'To get him behind a building'. Not 'to get to him behind a building'.

Well nevermind me.. :P


Alot of things can get to you quickly.. How easy Ramos will be to hide depends alot on the terrain on the board.. :/

Kirai, Dreamer and Colette are generally very fast. The former two don't care much about the terrain and the later have enough speed to disregard it.

You should also beware of Guild crews containing Austringers as those can ignore LoS, have high Cb and huge range. They're low damage however so you can probably just burn stones to disregard their attacks unless they get Severes/Red Jokers.

Pigapult is the same thing :D Although I have yet to see it in action.

Other things that might take you by surprise..

Stuffed Piglets and Mosqitos can be faster than you'd think and deal some irresistible damage.

Zoraida obeying your own crew. - Just don't let that happen :)

Perdita, Lilith, Hoffman, Marcus can all be fast aswell.

Maybe Viktorias - but that'd probably be suicide on their part.


Collodi and Pandora can also both be frightingly quick.

Edited by Wodschow
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The pigapult is hilarious against people with hideously low defense.

Umm on top of what Wodschow said you might always want to watch out for the snipers in this game

Freikorps Trapper

Nino Ortega


Rami Lacroix

Models with really long range, hunter, and other things like that because they will generally find a way to finagle a shot in to hit ol', squishy Ramos.

Well...he's armored...but squishy.

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Interesting tactic....I generally approve though. May have to give it a shot. With the extra SS you'd be starting with, you could probably get away with using a (2) to get a Scrap Counter, then the (0) for create Spider, and then a (1) to burn a SS and heal. That would only be if your opponent is bearing down on you though. Still, getting even 1 extra Spider on the table in Round 1 might be interesting.

I know I used this trick in my last game with Ramos, but it was in Round 6, and was only so I could get 1 more Spider on the table, which then Swarmed with 2 others, and moved in order to get my last Scheme (stupid Insignificant on the individual spiders).

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I have been kicking around the rusty alyce idea for a few weeks now but I am thinking it may be alittle to risky to pull off sometimes. Alot of things move fast in this game (Pandora with student of conflict...you know who you are) so leaving him with one wound is a bit risky. Also you are reduced to one wound at the start of closing phase so no chance to pop a soulstone and heal until turn 2, which if you lose initiative then you could be in some real danger.

Alot of people dont like the Steamborg and Joss, but if you use them right you can do some pretty wicked things with thme. Last game I played was against Perdita and she was sitting in a Pool of Eather using soulstones to kill everything. Well the steamborg charged her, and tossed her out of the pool into 2 spiders and a swarm then charged a Gunslinger and killed it then hit Fransico. Joss with 2 or 3 armor is just a pain in the ass to take down plus you can make him hit like a truck.

Oh... Lucius can also move his crew pretty fast, not sure if anyone mentioned him

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A Ramos Player around here Plays this List very well...

But without the toolkit and with the Brass Arachnid... (Better reactivate but no save book... but with the Cardplus you do not often need this extra Book...)

Its realy scary...

And a lot of fun...

That's actually a really solid point. The Brass Arachnid can give you access to Reactivate without needing to reduce Ramos to only 1 Wd. The real trick though, is that now you have to have 8 :tomes or higher in your hand in order to summon those Spiders, which can be trickier to pull off, even with a starting hand of 8 cards. Personally, I like the Toolkit better, if I'm planning to summon Spiders like mad.

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Oooh, also, the Toolkit has it's (2) Weld Together action that you could also use to help heal Ramos. So, you could pump out the 2 spiders in Round 1, and then in Round 2, have the Toolkit heal you, and then have Ramos heal himself, and then also burn a SS if necessary to heal further. However, all that really does for you is churn out 2 Spiders in Turn 1, rather than 1 each in Turn 1 and Turn 2. So, probably a wash overall, unless you're willing to risk the Reactivate trick on both Turn 1 AND Turn 2.

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Got another idea. Basically same thing, but do a heal every turn (even if it's going to be reduced to 1 at the end) and then just turn the destroyed spider into a steampunk abomination. This way, Ramos isn't sitting at one, and still getting 2 new guys the first two turns.

Yes, there is the risk of the first activation on turn 3, as Ramos would have to live through that.

This would also give me the option to heal two times on turn 3, make 2 steampunk aboms, to make a desolation engine if that's the way I wanted to go

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