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New Enthusiast. Vancouver BC. Bought too much :P


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Welp, Hi. Names Jason ( or Gimzig on the forums) and im the proud owner of 1 of every faction box sets once the mail arrives:P

I got kinda carried away and couldnt choose a faction or master i REALLY wanted to play or one that i knew fit my style. SO, i picked 1 box set of each faction and purchased it :)

So heres the list.

Arcanists: Rasputina

Guild: Lady Justice

Ressurectionists: Seamus

Neverborn: The Dreamer

Outcasts: Ophelia

Soooooo.... howd i do?

how do each of these play out?

In Warhammer i play lizardmen, in Warmachine im a protectorate/ merc and hordes im Trollbloods/ Minions.

Anything kinda play similiar, or am i doing malifaux a dis-service by even compareing its factions to other games.

Cant wait to play my first game ( once my starting faction is painted)

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Hai! :wavey:

I'm a little south, in Bellingham, but welcome! Veskit has a good bunch up there. As far as playing, that's a nice haul. I mean horrible, you should give it all to me and start over. I would reccomend starting out playing Lady J, because she is the most straightforward of those masters and will allow you to better learn the game vs having to learn the game and a complex crew.


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No, yeah, that was too much. Start with the Neverborne last would be my advice. They're physically allergic to playing "normal." Outcasts, too, for the most part, although Ophillia's better than most. Get a game or two under your belt and try and work into a 'groove.' It's a great system with... a few oddball teams. Standard run-and-gun or run-and-stab is probably best to start with.

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see, now i want to try Dreamer first just to immerse myself in malifaux madness and see if it sticks :P

Yeah im glad theres some gamers down in van. Im still hopeing a place closer to abbotsford opens up as the treks into Van are sooooooooo long and essentially turn into day trips.

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Hi Gimzig, for me (and probably a crazy idea) is easier to compare playstyles of malifaux masters with magic the gathering more than a tabletop game, so if you know magic...

Raspy is a little defensive/offensive blue deck

Lady j = stompy green

Seamus... do not know him sorry! but most rezzers are white/black/green token makers

Dreamer... pure black deck awesomeness with lots of dark rituals

Ophelia is great... probably a lightning bolt red/goblins

hope this helps. cheers!

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of course i played magic!

however... i was an odd duck with it. See my undefeated tourny deck was a Green Elf deck, devoted entirly to 1/1 elfs and summoned 1/1 creatures that on an unsuspecting turn, id use 3 overruns and crush somebody, and if i was dying, meh, i had a wellwisher, 1 life for every elf i had. (which was a lot) XD

so essentialy i had a green token deck.

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Oh hell yes, a fellow canuck! I'm but a jaunty 8 hour drive to your north, rocking Malifaux from the fetid armpit of northern BC, lovely Prince George. Good to see another Canadjun on the boards.

As you can see by my sig, enough is never enough with Malifaux. More is always better, and not just from a pleasure center shudder/MOAR! street drug-ish next fix kinda standpoint. It's actually tactically sound to own several viable crews. More crews means more versatility, and that's never a bad thing.

My Dreamer is still boxed up, mewling for release. Soon, my pretty. Soon.

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