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Ramos summoning with Rusty


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Rusty Alyce has an ability called Burn Out which says "Target friendly Construct Receives Reactivate. Reduce target construct to 1 Wd at the start of the closing phase". Can she cast this on a target with 1 wd already with out killing it? (I think she can but mind as well ask)

My thought is to cast that on Ramos so he gets reactivate, then have him Salvage Under Fire then summon another spider, making him able to get out 2 spiders a turn. Then use a toolkit or a soulstone to heal him if he needs to. Its abit of a risk keeping him at low health but rarely he gets in combat or shot at in my games and being able to make 2 more swarms by the start of turn 3 would be nice.

So please let me know if any of you see a major flaw in this. Thanks

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Hehe, I actually just did this for the first time last week in a game. The only I way I was going to get my last Scheme was if I could get one more Spider onto the table, and then Swarm together (darn Insignificant on the individual ones), so that I could Interact with the Terrain piece. So, since it was turn 6, and I was sitting on 2-3 Soulstones still, I figured what the heck, and went ahead with it. I figured that the likelihood of Ramos dying the next turn (if a next turn even happened) was pretty much slim to none, especially since my Swarm interacted, and then moved to take out my opponent's last piece. :)

EDIT: I know Alyce doesn't seem to be the MOST popular choice with Ramos from what I've seen, but I'm really liking her so far. The extra 2 control cards are awesome, and using Ramos' 8 :tomes CA in order to get off Alyce's Rust spell is simply amazing.

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With the v2 stat cards, thats the way it works. You nominate Ramos, then use the toolkit to give him the extra tome.

Alyce can then choose to use his Ca, and gets to use effects on his Ca as well, so she gets Surge and Ca8 tomes tomes.

I'm rather certain she doesn't get TRIGGERS. Surge is a Trigger and not a special effect on his Ca like Dual Focused is for Leveticus. So no, I seriously doubt she can use Surge.

I believe that extra line at the end of her Impressionable ability is mainly there to enable the use of Leveticus's Dual Focused because there was a big scuffle over it a while back with RAW focused people arguing against RAI focused people until finally a marshal intervened.

Edited by karn987
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Ah, sorry folks - I thought it said she got effects, but it says abilities.

I made the same mistake when I got her. ;)

Too bad though. With Burn Out and Willful animation already requiring a :tome, and Rust not needing anything, you'd be able to use Surge on all 3 of those if she did have it. Would make for some crazy card swapping.

As it is though, I REALLY like being able to use Ramos' 8 Ca for Rust, as I mentioned earlier. No Constructs (besides maybe the Coryphee) can beat that kind of Df resist, as long as you're sitting on a 11-13 in your hand.

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