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New to Levi...theory'ing for tourney list.


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The only strategy that will give you a lot of trouble is reconnoiter and if you are worried about it I would just take another dog cause as long as they are close they are significant. That would give you potentially 6 significant models (don't forget that the deso engine is significant). The fact that the tourney is locked list is going to be tough for a lot of crews not just levi.


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I would avoid taking so few models with no option to change after you find out the mission. There are mission that can make such lists very hard. I love the desolation but it is not the best at missions it just kills things. Great for slaughter type not so much for others.

I would look in to a pack of belles or necropunks. I would probably drop jack for a group of one or the other.

I agree with Tadaka, that i have had some bad encounters, with using Jack. Do keep note on the Levi doesn't allow you to draw cards on the draw step, plus to keep Jack, you need soulstones or discards card. Now the question is who to which with who?

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try one of my little tricks

walk 8 wds

necromantic Sacrifice 6 wds

Blessings of desolation 5 wds

have a peek at your cards with death's lessons

then cast Unnatural Wasting on yourself, choose to equal

end with 1 wound from rounding

finally get a SPA to hit you, create another SPA allowing you to only run 3

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try one of my little tricks

walk 8 wds

necromantic Sacrifice 6 wds

Blessings of desolation 5 wds

have a peek at your cards with death's lessons

then cast Unnatural Wasting on yourself, choose to equal

end with 1 wound from rounding

finally get a SPA to hit you, create another SPA allowing you to only run 3

A few things wrong with this...

  1. You can't attack yourself. It keeps coming up, but I am 100% sure you may not attack yourself so a Waif would have to do it to you.
  2. Your triggers to make SPA's only work against enemy models so you can't trigger Levy into an SPA. This change is reflected in their card and in the errata.
  3. Otherwise there is no way to turn Levy into an SPA with his updated card, check the V2 card post here: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17608

So sorry man... but that doesn't work.

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Just got word that the event let's you change lists before the round stars so I guess ill have a little wiggle room, however not a whole lot based on $$. Ill take jack, killjoy, 2 dogs and 3 necropunks as adjustables prolly.

*shivers* I have NEVER had a good game with Jackdaw and Leveticus, he just doesn't work very well with our card strangled master. I would really recommend against it. I would take literally anything over him with Leveticus, my opponents just know to well how to abuse his weakness's. That and he seems to turn against me at least once a game without fail -_-

Also, what no SPA's and Desolation Engine? Blasphemy! But seriously, why no SPA's? They are all kinds of amazing especially if you bring a few Necropunks to cap objectives for you.

Wish I had gotten around to this thread earlier in the week....

Killjoy is an amazing model and will serve you well, but so will the Hooded Rider or even Ryle. All 3 of them are around the same cost and fill that role of your medium badass model and fill it very very well. Killjoy has pure killing power, Rider has utility and speed the others can't match and Ryle has ranged power and makes a great shooting buddy for Alyce and Levy if you want to go ranged.

Ah well, sounds like you have your idea flushed out at least. Good luck!

Edited by karn987
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SPA can only move when a spa walks they removed the ability to move with any construct. It also only happens with a walk so a push will break them up and you cant charge bringing the others along.


V2 Card List.doc

Steampunk Abomination A (Hook) - No V2 cards made.

Steampunk Abomination B (No Legs) - No V2 cards made.

Steampunk Abomination C (Tongue) - No V2 cards made.

Steampunk Abomination D (No Arms) - No V2 cards made.

The Extra Errata items contains nothing about the Steampunk Abominations.

The Version 1 Malifaux Errata contains nothing about the Steampunk Abominations.

I can't track down where this change is. If they really changed it then the SPAs should have a V2 card, or at least have an errata entry.

Edited by MrNybbles
Fixed quoted text so it displays properly.
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Thanks Karn. I didn't realize the cards were different from the rulebook. The errata refers to changes within the Rulebooks so it really should have been included, but I guess they figured having it correct on the cards is enough.

Yeah its just one of those things :/

I've though about going over every model and looking for the changes from their original printing to their current cards but I have not had the time to start that project.

But lesson learned I guess, always check the card ;D

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Yeah its just one of those things :/

I've though about going over every model and looking for the changes from their original printing to their current cards but I have not had the time to start that project.

But lesson learned I guess, always check the card ;D

I happen to have had that card for about a week (and am still assembling the models), but if I didn't then I'd have no official record of this change.

Jack Daw also has "Ancient Words" instead of "Suppressed Memories" in the rulebook for her ranged attack. From what I have heard this was also fixed on his card. At least I think "Suppressed Memories" is the correct name. . .

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A few things wrong with this...

  1. You can't attack yourself. It keeps coming up, but I am 100% sure you may not attack yourself so a Waif would have to do it to you.

It should work that way, but you can attack yourself with a wide range of spells though which I still think is stupid, but I've nerdraged about it enough already.

Still Wasting is not one of those spells as it has a :ranged icon.. So yeah - Leveticus cannot waste himself.. Not unnatrually anyway. :)

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It should work that way, but you can attack yourself with a wide range of spells though which I still think is stupid, but I've nerdraged about it enough already.

Still Wasting is not one of those spells as it has a :ranged icon.. So yeah - Leveticus cannot waste himself.. Not unnatrually anyway. :)

Fair enough, I should have clarified a bit and said you can not attack yourself with a Ranged or melee attack spell ;D But yeah, I agree it seems wrong.

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It should work that way, but you can attack yourself with a wide range of spells though which I still think is stupid, but I've nerdraged about it enough already.

Still Wasting is not one of those spells as it has a :ranged icon.. So yeah - Leveticus cannot waste himself.. Not unnatrually anyway. :)

Excelent I've just answered someone that PM'd me a similar question. I checked the rules and this is what I came up with.

Masters can attack themselves as long as it's not a strike, a spell with :melee or :ranged icons (as they use the same targeting as strikes) or an ability that has a Wd cost associated that would kill them.

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They can, and it leads to faulty things..

Take for instance Seamus casting Undead Psychosis on himself - suddenly it's an irresistible 3" ranged spell - and by the time Seamus activates next time he's no longer affected by it so essentially loses the bad stuff.

Any spell with a resist flip is an attack and shouldn't be able to target the caster ¬¬

Sorry for derailing the thread.

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