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New to Levi...theory'ing for tourney list.


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So...upcoming tournament and I am a Leveticus Newb, so I am considering options for build. Origionally it was thought to be 40 SS so my list was:



Jack Daw



Now that it has been confirmed as 35 SS, I need to adjust. I own all the listed models+another 4 SPA and Desolation engine, and don't mind another smallish purchase, but I need help!

It's down to the main question of who gets the cut. Jack or Killjoy. Killjoy is a mean-not so lean killing machine and jack provides extra cards (AR), an extremely hard to kill scenario model, and some other neat tricks (and he's painted!)

I considered dropping KJ and getting a Hooded Rider in his place, and dropping an SPA, but not sold yet...

So...any suggestions?

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I would avoid taking so few models with no option to change after you find out the mission. There are mission that can make such lists very hard. I love the desolation but it is not the best at missions it just kills things. Great for slaughter type not so much for others.

I would look in to a pack of belles or necropunks. I would probably drop jack for a group of one or the other.

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You could try using Bete Noire. Have Levi cast Blessing of Desolation on her once she pops out, and with the extra crow on her weapon you can pretty much choose a different trigger every strike, say, slit jugular 3 times and you either burn your opponent hand away, or get a free kill. Or three.

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I don't have my books with me but for a first time Levi player I'd be careful with using.Jack Daw. IIRC Jack makes you drop a card so he doesn't take damage. And then mix that in with Levi's unique card draw mechanic I think you could end up losing Jack cheaply or at least causing you undue headaches. That said if you feel confident then go for it.


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With the models you have available it looks like your biggest issue is probably going to be a lack of scoring (non-insignificant) models. Necropunks cost 3ss and are scoring models.

Jack Daw is a decent model, but she lacks synergy with anything else you have and has some significant drawbacks.

Killjoy can be killed if he is mobbed and his Out of Control ability can cost you Control Cards. Still, he is a solid choice, especially if you expect the enemy to come over and attack Leveticus or your Hollow Waifs. Just sacrifice either one to summon Killjoy.

The Hooded Rider is a Construct so you can have the SPAs in base contact with it and when it moves use the SPAs Keep Pace ability to move with it. The Hooded Rider is also highly mobile and can grab objectives fairly easily. Using Passage of Time: Night would keep him safe from ranged attacks. Just remember to place the SPAs in base contact with it before it moves. (Also make sure you don't block it in as the Hooded Rider can't move through your own models, though you can have up to 5 SPAs in base contact and still be able to move away from them). The Hooded Rider is decent in combat, but can still be killed if mobbed. Against a single opponent the SPAs should help to surround and mob an enemy.

The Hooded Rider is my pick. Hooded Rider > Killjoy > Jack Daw.

Out of what you have this could work well. (You said you love some Belles, but I'm not sure you actually will have one available).

[Leveticus 35ss list]

* Leveticus (Soulstone Cache: 0)

8 Rusty Alyce

8 Hooded Rider

4 Rotten Belle





Starting Soulstone Pool: 3 (or throw in another SPA)

You can split up your crew into two groups if you need to.

HQ: Leveticus, Rusty Alyce, Rotten Belle

Cavalry: Hooded Rider, SPAs (via Keep Pace)

Leveticus moves slowly, Rusty Alyce should always be within 3" of him, and the Rotten Belle isn't mobile enough to be in your Cavalry group. The Rotten Belle can Slow and lower the Df of enemies.

Thanks to Keep Pace the SPAs can go with the Hooded Rider and help swarm whatever he is trying to kill. Just watch out for blasts from attacks that hit the SPAs because Passage of Time: Night won't protect you from that.

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Thanks for the well thought out responses guys, its giving me a bit to chew on. The idea of a cav. Squad of spa and rider seems nasty. And I do love the idea of killjoys shear mass and his spawning adding to levis personal scheme. As for the dog, what reassuance do you mean? I was concidering the dog to get my 2nd waif out early..

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The Hooded Rider is a Construct so you can have the SPAs in base contact with it and when it moves use the SPAs Keep Pace ability to move with it. The Hooded Rider is also highly mobile and can grab objectives fairly easily. Using Passage of Time: Night would keep him safe from ranged attacks. Just remember to place the SPAs in base contact with it before it moves. (Also make sure you don't block it in as the Hooded Rider can't move through your own models, though you can have up to 5 SPAs in base contact and still be able to move away from them). The Hooded Rider is decent in combat, but can still be killed if mobbed. Against a single opponent the SPAs should help to surround and mob an enemy.


SPA can only move when a spa walks they removed the ability to move with any construct. It also only happens with a walk so a push will break them up and you cant charge bringing the others along.

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They are awesome for slaughter cus they don’t count for points but you can make the desolation engine for some but whopping goodness. That’s why I go with a nice mix of necropunks with killjoy and the spa depending on points. They are just too good for objectives if you got the 6 of masks or better. Slow to die and hard to kill is so nice.

If your opponent is running constructs you will be surprised just how many you can make. One game I started with 5 then was able to make a desolation engine twice and I still had another 3 running around. Just incase you are wondering he had a few constructs.

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One thing that is fun is going for 8 spa in 2 groups of 4. Each desolation can make more and you get 2 spa refund when each dies. Last game i did this I ended up with 4 engines during the game. One would die one came back one would die one came back. Only crew I ever manage to win vs dreamer.

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Maybe I am misreading this thread but the tourney you are prepping for is 35ss right? Your final list is 40ss.


Alyce 8

4 SPA 12

3 necropunks 9

Killjoy 11

If it is only 35ss killjoy is really hard to run along side the desoengine because they are a combined 23ss.

As far as advice on the tourney goes I would ask them a few questions.

How is the tourney scored?

I personally think the best way is to have the tournament scored is win loss record with total VP breaking ties, but I have seen lots of tourneys go full VP's. While this doesn't seem like a huge difference it can result in you winning all of your games but finishing low in the standings. And I find that late in the game I have a chance to either win by denying my opponent points or lose but score more points during the game.

Are you allowed to repeat schemes?

If you are allowed to repeat schemes I would take Soulless Life a few stones in your cache so you can gather stones. I think these are the easiest two schemes for levi especially since levi's spell are so scary you can "trick masters into burning stones.

Are any schemes off limits?

When Nilus runs tourneys he does not allow any scheme that can score more than 2vp. So thing like power ritual are off limits. While this doesn't really effect levi directly it is helpful to know for the meta-game.

Is Jack Daw's "Kill Scheme" counted?

This is another thing I have seen TO's not allow (They typically like to have VP's capped). If they don't allow 3vp schemes but allow this it is probably an oversight. this might just be the little thing to put you at the top of the rankings (especially if it is a pure VP tourney).

Assuming they allow JD's Kill Scheme I would go with a list that looks like this.



4 SPA's

Jack Daw

Canine Remains

3 stones left over

You asked how to get your second waif out. I use the the dog to make sure that levi leaves a corpse counter when he dies then I turn that corpse counter into a waif.

Good luck at the tourney.


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Whoops, I guess my brain took not that I was dropping daw and looked for a replacement, not just less points lol.

All great advice, I'm asking on it now but I am pretty sure there won't be vp restrictions and its strait vp. The day is judged, with a strait vp winner, a bestt painted, and a best sportsman and from what I understand each will be in a lottery for the big prize.

Now, I'm still new to all things non res/grem and some guild. So I'm not use to dealing with insignificant models in masses, sans piglets...is 3 significant models enough? (4 if deso comes)

Edited by Godspeed
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Are you allowed to repeat schemes?

If you are allowed to repeat schemes I would take Soulless Life a few stones in your cache so you can gather stones. I think these are the easiest two schemes for levi especially since levi's spell are so scary you can "trick masters into burning stones.

I have been avoiding taking souless life. My exp has been that i don't all ways get 4 turns in often when my opponent does not know how levi works and the game slows down as they ask how every action works why he is dieing and requires writing down his life total updates every action. Any one else run in to this?

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