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Hello from north east UK!


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Don't you just hate thinking of a title for an introduction thread? I know I do, you can never quite make one that someone else hasn't already made...

Anyway, hello there! I'm James, and I just recently found Malifaux through a new player at my local gaming club. Myself and a few others have become very sold on the idea of giving the game a try (Read sold as: We really want every damned crew in the game and are so excited we can't wait!).

As I pretty much gave up on 40k and fantasy, I started playing flames of war almost exclusively, but the need to paint something fun and filled with fantasy goodness will win through in the end and so here I am.

I chose the Ortegas as my first crew, mainly for Perdita herself, and grabbed Taelor to go with them. Maybe that's a good choice, maybe that's a bad choice, I'm really not up on the rules yet, so just chose (after a huge ammount of soul searching) which crew I liked the look of best.

I have my first game tonight, vs the Neverborn Dreamers, so I'll let you know how that goes, but as neither of us know the rules (well we know a little bit between us) it could be a bit chaotic!


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That's your excuse ahead of your loss and you're sticking to it.... :D

Ugh, she's here already? Is there a forum you're not a member of? :P

Ladies and gentlemen: My opponent for tonight Elazar.

Thank you for the welcome Chucklemonkey, I just had to type your name, as it is made of purest win!


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Lets just say Elazars prediction of my loss was epic fail on his part :D


Lets just say that you've yet to meet the power of the Ressurectionists .... mwwwaaaa haaaa haaaaa!

Great news that the first games under the belt - many more to come.


Oh and by the way ... after thinking of a title for your thread - you just nicked mine!! (see page 2) :bitchslap

Edited by Andy_B
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